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Windows 10 does anybody use it?

I do not know whether to download it or not

Created By on 05/05/2016

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Brian i
7th May 2016 10:31:17
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yes i use it , its on my laptop i find it a better build that a lot past one,s i have used very happy ..
19th Jun 2020 06:20:58 (Last activity: 19th Jun 2020 08:20:52)
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Look at the dates of these post! ...Just let me say, I am a 70 year old computer expert. I work from home watching 14 server in 6 different countries. Its my job, and I love it. IF anybody, needs help with windows software, just let me know. I know most shortcuts and other software to make life easier. Just Reply if you need help.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 19th Jun 2020 08:20:52
Hi RMcCracken,

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Tilly clark
8th Mar 2019 23:31:34
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7th May 2016 22:25:07 (Last activity: 12th Jan 2019 06:37:44)
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On my recent home build PC I initially went for 8.1 and was satisfied with that. I upgraded to 10 but didn't like it so went back to 8.1. But as its getting near to the time limit of the free upgrade to 10, I thought I'd persevere. No traumas so far and it hasn't rejected any of my favourite software, some of which is quite ancient. So I guess I'm stuck with it. Although the first thing to go was Cortana! Then I just cleared the Start screen, putting all my most used apps on the Task bar instead.
Response from Anni Tiara made on 19th Aug 2016 14:31:50
Yes I got rid of Cortana too, just too annoying.
Response from MazzieP made on 27th Aug 2016 06:12:55
How did you get rid of Cortana? Drives me nuts!
Response from ColinM1 made on 12th Jan 2019 06:37:44
Hi Mike Have used Windows 10 for some time Quite a few problems but gradually getting used to it . I actually find Cortana useful ( witCh the sound turned down !) Cheers ColinM1
28th Dec 2018 15:14:04
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I got the free download a few years ago and have had no problems with the system at all. I'm not sure what it is that the naysayers hate so much about it, I found it very easy to adapt to from Windows 7. I believe you can un-install it if you don't like it. 🙂
14th Jun 2018 02:23:08
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People advised me to generally be afraid of Windows 10, that is was for people heavy into business and graphic designers, etc. But I am someone who is on the computer virtually all day and do not have a lot of problems with it and so I tried it, thinking I have all the time in the world to figure it out and make use of it since it is supposed to be so advanced. I was using Windows 7 at the time. So I upgraded to Windows 10 and it was not complicated at all. In fact, I found it more streamlined and easier than any other system I have ever had. So do not be afraid. Go for it and be advanced and into the latest advancement in technology. It is the best.
30th Jun 2017 13:50:49
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If anyone is requiring any further advice on windows 10 please feel free to contact me.
Also there is a new facebook group offering free technology advice to anyone who needs it.
12th Feb 2017 18:41:34
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Just very recently bought a new laptop. HP Pavilion Notebook and I love it. It was all loaded up with Windows 10. Very different to what I was used to but it's bang up to date, fast, and I am taking the trouble to work my way through the manual and tutorials so that I can make the most of it. In my experience, that appears to be something people don't do these days as they can't be bothered. Then they wonder why something isn't doing what they expect it to do, after which, follows the moans and groansand the exclamations of 'its rubbish'. I've been using computers and PCs and laptops for many years, both at work and home. I don't know everything, far from it, but I know it's a fast changing world and I am still not to old to listen, look and learn.
13th Dec 2016 14:09:13
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Well I have succumed to downloading windows 10 on my old 7 year old laptop, not out of choice but because I was having so many problems with windows 7. Its taking ages to download, Ive got everything crossed that everything will run smoothly, if not then I will treat myself to a new laptop. I have had a look around at the laptops and its made my head spin the choice is endless!!
C Birc
9th Dec 2016 22:39:38
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10th Sep 2016 22:33:25 (Last activity: 22nd Oct 2016 10:20:48)
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Use it at home and work. Excel on Win10 is so much better. Still have a fondness for XP though!!
Response from Vantodder made on 22nd Oct 2016 10:20:48
XP was my favourite, still use it on an old PC which is not connected to the internet.
14th Oct 2016 15:50:09
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As we can see we are on "silversurfers" and if you get that then you will know why
i don't like windows 10 ,wonder what will be next?
23rd Sep 2016 15:01:36
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Yes, I use 10 continually, both for personal and business use. I downloaded it in July 2015, it took a bit of getting used to, but now I find it good, although like any software, it does have its idiosyncracies.

Don't hesitate to ask further if you need any help on Windows 10
16th Sep 2016 17:23:10
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yes was using Windows 8 which I found slow; Win main icon boarddows 10 is much faster in my opinion and main display board excellent
6th May 2016 10:39:59 (Last activity: 3rd Sep 2016 17:20:14)
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yes, I have upgraded both our laptops, no problems whatsoever. Love W10, far more stable that 7/8/8.1. The only PC I have not upgraded is my server that rune XP, that is far too old and slow, but does it#s job as a network server.

W10 is different from previous versions and it is worth reading some tutorials to make proper use of it. ut the changes are not significant, it can be organised to work like W8 etc. My desktop looks very much the same as it ever did. Some very old devices and programmes may not work, but they are very few or very old. If it worked with W8 it is likely to work with W10.

Eventually you will have to go with W10 (unless you change to IOS or LInux), so go while it is still free.
Response from celtwitch made on 6th May 2016 16:23:11
Got it last Christmas, some old guy fell down my chimney and left it under the tree. I love it.
Response from Gandtea made on 6th May 2016 21:41:58
What cheapskate gave you a free upgrade for Christmas ?? 🙂
Response from StephSG made on 3rd Sep 2016 17:20:14
I never use my laptop now because I hate Windows 10. I stick to my Apple IPad - brilliant!
2nd Sep 2016 13:58:47 (Last activity: 2nd Sep 2016 22:54:15)
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The future is 10, embrace it, or cling, limpet like, to XP.
Response from KEITH_WL made on 2nd Sep 2016 14:46:53
Nonsense. It is possible to be able to handle change without being a slave to it.

And note the power of Linux/Ubuntu.
Response from celtwitch made on 2nd Sep 2016 14:52:56
Who's a slave? It's called progress and the future is forward facing...
Response from jeanmark made on 2nd Sep 2016 15:57:12
I'm not worried as I use MAC's, they are much easier to use.
Response from KEITH_WL made on 2nd Sep 2016 22:54:15
Some changes are beneficial, some make things worse and some merely shift you sideways. The trick is to know that and make a choice that works for you.
2nd Sep 2016 14:55:35
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Oooh, I tried downloading onto my gas powered computer, but it didn't like it, so I have gone back to my abacus and chalk board.
1st Sep 2016 23:54:53
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Like Windows 10 OK. I will always love XP though. I still think it was the best.
19th Aug 2016 21:28:54 (Last activity: 1st Sep 2016 22:33:26)
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Tried downloading it but I think my laptop put up too much resistance, luckily for me!
I know where I am with Windows 7 so will stick with it until the laptop gives up the ghost!
Response from Fruitcake13 made on 20th Aug 2016 15:33:09
My sentiments entirely!
Response from KEITH_WL made on 1st Sep 2016 22:33:26
I have Windows 7 on my laptop but although I believe it's technically superior to XP have found it more awkward to use.
Barton babe
20th Aug 2016 17:13:14 (Last activity: 1st Sep 2016 22:30:26)
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After using XP then Vista, I find windows 10 dreadful, I hate it.
If Vista was not coming to an end, I would go back to it, much more sensible. I do not know many people that do like windows 10. Bring back Vista.
Response from Wilf made on 20th Aug 2016 17:33:31
I agree. I downloaded Windows 10 about 2 months ago and hate it. It never seems to close down and I dont like the "flat" look of everything
Response from KEITH_WL made on 1st Sep 2016 22:30:26
For my part, I find that XP has the most pleasant user interface of all the Windows versions but it is no longer protected by Google Chrome or Dropbox, However my son-in-law has installed for me a virtual box under Linux that runs XP, giving, as I understand it, the power and protection of Linux and the user interface of XP for chosen applications. It also allows me to run some applications not available in Linux (which has software having the same scope with which I'm less familiar).
22nd Aug 2016 11:20:59
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I use 10 on my desktop and laptop. My first windows was 95 so go back a way. No problems with it in fact would say it is the best OS yet. For copying old slides I have an old Canon scanner with equally old software by using the compatibility mode it all works as it should. Does all I want it to do.
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