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Winter fuel payments - have you had yours yet?

Last year I received my winter fuel payment Nov 21; has anybody got theirs yet as I haven't? Just wondering. Neil

Created By on 25/11/2015

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4th Dec 2020 10:22:54
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No I have not 2 weeks late so far and impossible to get through to the phone number.
4th Feb 2021 17:33:50 (Last activity: 1st Apr 2021 12:49:11)
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Anyone else still waiting for their winter fuel payment?
Response from Cap1 made on 5th Feb 2021 11:49:20
Im still waiting too
Response from tyger8 made on 5th Feb 2021 14:38:07 > @Cap1
It is a disgrace, I always received mine in November in previous years, but for some reason this year they had the wrong bank details, they blamed a new computer system.
Response from barbaraisbister made on 6th Feb 2021 13:32:11 > @tyger8
Still waiting
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 6th Feb 2021 15:31:40 > @barbaraisbister
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Response from PhilD46 made on 1st Apr 2021 09:38:04 > @Cap1
Yep still waiting, deadline of 31 March gone countless messages sent. Impossible to get to speak to anyone. A aarrggghhh!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 1st Apr 2021 09:43:59 > @PhilD46
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Response from tyger8 made on 1st Apr 2021 10:58:21 > @PhilD46
Received mine at last but it took my local MP to get it for me.
Response from Cap1 made on 1st Apr 2021 12:49:11 > @PhilD46
Its disgusting , i got mine last week so i hope it wont be too long for you .
1st Apr 2021 12:46:57
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Just to let everyone know i actually received the payment last wednesday , 24th March.I rang them on 23rd for about the 15th time, was told the payment would be in my bank next day, i told the lady if it wasnt i would be back on the phone, she said well it could take a few days, which didnt fill me with hope after waiting 4 months, but there it was next day. When i rang about mid February i was told i wouldnt get a letter as it was too late. On 27th March 2021 (3 days after payment going into my bank) i received a letter dated 21st March 2021 telling me i was entitled to the winter fuel payment and if i didnt receive it by 23rd December 2020 to ring them, if it wasnt such a shambles it would be laughable.
Wont be too long before it will be due again, lets all hope they give themselves a massive shake up !
1st Apr 2021 10:55:39
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Received mine at last but it took my local MP to get it for me.
21st Jan 2021 12:50:39 (Last activity: 1st Apr 2021 09:35:09)
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Hi everyone, if anyone has emailed Winter fuel payment can they tell me how long they waited for a reply or if they got a reply at all ? Thank you.
Response from sugden made on 18th Feb 2021 16:32:53
No I didn't get any reply either
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 18th Feb 2021 16:47:41 > @sugden
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Response from tyger8 made on 19th Feb 2021 16:30:06 > @sugden
Someone in the department needs to be made accountable for the incompetence of the staff. I've written two letters and sent several e-mails without any replies, it's disgraceful.
Response from PhilD46 made on 1st Apr 2021 09:35:09 > @sugden
Lost count how many online messages I have left....... Nil response
29th Mar 2021 12:26:39 (Last activity: 1st Apr 2021 09:32:33)
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I also am still waiting despite three phone calls.
The poor people who answer the phone can only say what they have been told.
The incompetence is much higher than I get to speak to, thats who needs dismissing.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 29th Mar 2021 13:39:18
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Response from PhilD46 made on 1st Apr 2021 09:32:33 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
You were answered on the phone, wow! I have waited hours and given up in total exasperation
1st Apr 2021 09:31:18
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Thanks for that John, my situation is the same and still no WFP.
Time to really start rattling cages I think
16th Mar 2021 10:15:05
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Glad to hear you received yours. Sadly im still waiting, and still ringing them, and still being fobbed off.
5th Mar 2021 13:59:40
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Afternoon all
Now hear this are you all sitting down, l begin by saying that l have now received my winter fuel payment, after at least 20 phone calls and as many e.mails to the wonderful people at the DWP the money was paid into my account on 5/3/2021,just as well really as l had burnt all the chairs and was about to start on the stairs, now here's a funny thing l got a letter this morning from the DWP dated 24/2/2021 telling me that now all my details were up to date it will be making the payment, bear in mind my details have not changed since l retired approx 15 years ago.
So all you guys out there who have not received your money keep at it with the DWP as l do believe the DWP have got as much sense as Noddy in a comma.
Best of luck guys. John
1st Mar 2021 21:51:04
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And still i wait. Its beyond a joke .I wont give up but im so fed up of ringing them 🙁
20th Feb 2021 11:57:44
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I'm still waiting.
When I get to speak to them they tell me the same thing, that they paid me on the 24th November, even though I keep telling them it wasn't my bank account that they paid it into.
16th Feb 2021 11:44:57
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Posts seem to have gone quiet on here but i still havent received the winter fuel payment. Anyone else still waiting ?
26th Jan 2021 12:39:34 (Last activity: 28th Jan 2021 16:34:27)
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Has anyone still not got their payment ?
Response from Elisabet76 made on 28th Jan 2021 13:57:09
I am still waiting despite 4 calls, Payment in the past was no problem but the payment failed last December. I went through all bank details again and despite being told payment would be released on 12 Jan, We are still waiting . I need to call again but not hopeful. We have lived in Sweden for 5 years and not had a problem. They tell me the payment should go into the bank here but it didn’t . We carefully checked bank details just to be sure. It should not take this long - I can move money with a currency broker within 36 hours. I suspect their IT gurus missed a link or the gurus are the missing link.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 28th Jan 2021 14:08:15 > @Elisabet76
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Response from Cap1 made on 28th Jan 2021 16:34:27 > @Elisabet76
Its disgusting the way this is happening. Ive rang 4 times too and keep getting told something different. Nothing in the news or media at all about it either. I totally agree about the missing links.
28th Jan 2021 10:15:15 (Last activity: 28th Jan 2021 16:30:51)
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I waited until 28 Jan with no luck so phoned WFP Centre on 0800 731 0160 and by judicious selection of options got a very nice lady willing to talk to me. She checked my details, including NI number, and then arranged for the payment to be made in early February. Hope this helps.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 28th Jan 2021 10:28:41
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Response from Cap1 made on 28th Jan 2021 16:30:51
Good luck i hope you get it. Ive rung them 4 times and get told something different each time. 1st was ill get paid by 23rd of December, then by 13th January. Next i was told it would take them 15 days for an internal email they were sending to get to the relevant department . Last time was 26th January to be told if i didnt get it by 31st of March to get in touch, i said what will happen then as that is the cut off date for applications (which ive never had to do as its always been an automatic payment) Her reply was it will take 30 days to get things sorted .Im not holding my breath.Its disgusting how this is happening.
28th Jan 2021 10:29:57
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Reference my last, the options were 1,3 and 4 to get a human being!
22nd Jan 2021 11:22:35 (Last activity: 22nd Jan 2021 13:39:08)
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Sent 4 Messages No Reply’s
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 22nd Jan 2021 13:39:08
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22nd Jan 2021 11:21:18
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Winter fuel Payment Is It Late This Year
20th Jan 2021 12:06:56 (Last activity: 21st Jan 2021 09:47:46)
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They are just stalling for time, hoping we all die of Covid19 before the 31st of March, it is utterly disgraceful, the DWP have no shame.
Response from CindyS3 made on 20th Jan 2021 15:18:23
Hi Tyger8
I am sure you are right,they seem to come up with different answers,I finally got mine today,but keep trying all as you will lose it if you don't claim.
regards cindy.
Response from tyger8 made on 21st Jan 2021 09:47:46
Thanks Cindy, I will not give up until they pay me what I'm entitled too.
14th Jan 2021 13:58:51 (Last activity: 20th Jan 2021 16:55:09)
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Can anybody help me to get my winter fuel allowance?I phoned the help line today(14/01/2021)
given multiple choices to follow then the last one instructed me to go online and then wished me goodbye, and hung up
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 14th Jan 2021 16:53:15
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Response from lcorp124 made on 16th Jan 2021 07:46:20
Hi Patrickgeorge,
i have not received mine either and was phoning them and being cut off before i could even get into the ' music' queue!!!
I took the advice of Arthur on the site and phoned early a/noon.
After nearly an hours wait i got through to an extremely nice and helpful lady who sorted things out for me.
According to her the reason i did not get my payment was because they had changed over to a 'new' system but not all bank account information was changed over too ( in other words - lost!!) so they did not have my banking details.
She took me through some checks,put my bank details on the system and told me i would get my payment next Friday (22nd Jan).
The thing i don't understand is why couldn't they just look up the bank details used for my pension and pay it into that account ??
Hope this is helpful to you.
Take care,
Response from tyger8 made on 20th Jan 2021 12:11:57
I agree, they could have just looked up the bank details that my pension is paid into, but that would be crediting them with an ounce of intelligence, which they quite plainly don't have.
Response from tyger8 made on 20th Jan 2021 16:55:09 > @lcorp124
I wouldn't be too confident about receiving it on the 22nd, I've been given dates before and I'm still waiting.
16th Jan 2021 10:02:25 (Last activity: 20th Jan 2021 12:08:51)
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Hi everybody.
I am still waiting for winter fuel payment, I have emailed department and was told payment would be made 23rd December. No payment, again I emailed them and was told to expect payment 13th January again no payment. I have now emailed for a third time, I will keep you all posted on what the reply is.
Regards to you all.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 16th Jan 2021 10:33:05
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Response from tyger8 made on 20th Jan 2021 12:08:51
What was the e-mail address?
20th Jan 2021 04:10:41 (Last activity: 20th Jan 2021 10:51:35)
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Does anyone know the e-mail address to contact DWP about non payment of WFA. I am fed up of trying to get through on the phone.
Response from Cap1 made on 20th Jan 2021 10:51:35
Ive just emailed them but there is no email address as such.If you go on GOV.UK and onto winter fuel payments there is an email enquiry form .
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