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Anyone from the United States?

I am new to this site and I have only seen posts from across the big pond. Not that I don't want to chat with people from other areas. I was just curious if this is a global site.

Created By on 16/05/2018

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14th Mar 2022 01:50:21
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Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 14th Mar 2022 07:07:12
Hi Annie Maze,

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Response from littledavey made on 6th Apr 2022 14:26:20 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
Mature? Good lord am I mature. Guess being 74 has a lot to do with it. My name is David, I live in Oklahoma with my wife Anita. Doctor told me to socialize more so I thought I would try a chat room. Give me a holler sometime if you are just looking a friendly chat.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 6th Apr 2022 15:08:02 > @littledavey
Hi littledavey,

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3rd Sep 2023 00:47:14
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From the Smoky Mountains of North Carolina
27th Aug 2023 22:32:19
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I am from Southern California
4th Nov 2021 16:29:37 (Last activity: 4th Jul 2023 07:35:40)
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Hello! Just joined!! I'm very happy to find a community of tech saavy seniors. I am a "young" 68. LOL -- I'm not much for senior get togethers in real life because I don't feel like a senior. I have a new career in my semi-retirement that I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!! I work for Comfort Keepers doing home care. I never imagined the relationships I would form and the wisdom I would glean from helping people every day. In some ways, I think I may have missed my calling!! However, I have learned to look forward to all the possibilities that lie before me instead of focusing on the mistakes I made or the opportunities I missed in the past.
I think this may be the most fulfilling time of my life. Love my kids, but they were pretty time-consuming. I am in the process of becoming the best version of "me", and that process is really exciting. My kids are still around, and I see them periodically, but I have my new career and my online business that I am building which keep me connected and moving forward.
Just in case you think life has always been rosy--- not so!! In my 50s I discovered that I had been depressed for most of my life. At that point I made it my business to find out everything I could about depression. I became a host in the Depression Chat Room. I went and met in person several of the "chatters" who were local to me!! I know that is not recommended, but I now know I am a risk taker!! All's well that ends well. And actually, one of my fellow hosts became an "adopted" member of my family. He was like an uncle to my kids.
Probably my depression experience makes me soooo appreciate the excitement of my current life and the positivity I experience every day.
I would love to hear from my "new friends" here.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 4th Nov 2021 20:54:45
Hi Charbv,

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Response from Snowcat made on 4th Feb 2023 13:43:19
Hi Char!

That’s fantastic, what your doing today. I’m 62, but seriously, what is 62 supposed to feel like? lol
I’m 62 going on 20, I’m not going to let a silly number slow me down.
I was recently widowed in 2020, very unexpected, but I’m back now, and having a blast, leaving house maintenance.
Unfortunately, my neighbors don’t share my enthusiasm, they liked my husband’s work better, lol .
So, what if things are a bit uneven and I decided not to mow the grass in favor of Margarita day?
Life goes on and the grass isn’t going anywhere, lol .
It actually took me a year to get over my weed whacker fear, some I deserve some credit.
It think it’s wonder how your helping others.
I take care of my deceased parents best friends, who are in their late 80’s, and are a hoot.
I keep them hopping and have learned so much doing so.
I love to cook, so they know they will never be without treats or a nice meal.
So, what kind of business do you have?
Anyway, I’m happy to see and hear your doing well, I love your spunk!
Response from hkalen made on 4th Jul 2023 07:35:40
Hello Charbv (and everyone!) Fond memories of!!! How are things going with your business? Glad to have found this page/group/website. Hope to connect with others, as well. I enjoy reading about people's experiences. - Hollie
25th Mar 2023 20:25:34 (Last activity: 4th Jun 2023 12:07:48)
Thanks for voting!
I am new here. I live in Kentucky, but spent the majority of my life in Southern California. I am 59 and recently widowed. My husband moved from the UK to marry me. I am hoping to make friends and meet like-minded people to talk to.

I enjoy reading, history, crafty things, cats, and a good cup of tea.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 26th Mar 2023 09:07:13
Hi Wyldhare,

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Response from adamsnice made on 4th Jun 2023 12:07:48 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
hello ,you are welcome,am willing to be your friend here
18th Nov 2022 02:19:00 (Last activity: 11th Apr 2023 10:58:56)
Thanks for voting!
This is my first time signing onto this website. I found that the sites in the United States just weren’t to my liking outside of AARP. So I said I would try this. I live in the Midwest. I’m a middle-aged woman. Who was recently diagnosed with a spinal disease. I work full-time but I know if I don’t get the proper care I may not be able to walk in 3 to 5 years. I just need it somewhere that I can go on and just be me.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 18th Nov 2022 11:25:14
Hi Delux409,

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Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 11th Apr 2023 10:58:56
Hi TeaBooks,

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27th Feb 2023 18:59:54
Thanks for voting!
I avoid religion and politics too.

Looking forward to chatting with others on here.
27th Feb 2023 18:58:06
Thanks for voting!

I just joined today, from the East Coast of the United States.

No snow here, yet. March can be an iffy month. Not retired yet, I have four more years. Looking to chat with others in the same position.

Looking forward to chatting.

27th Feb 2023 04:43:01 (Last activity: 27th Feb 2023 07:06:37)
Thanks for voting!
Hi to all,,im 67 years old/young,,depends on the day. I am a bit shy at first and dont talk a lot but once i figure this out I would love to chat. Im Fron the midwest U.S.,,more central i guess,, A country girl I guess you would say,,I hate city living. Looking forward to makeing a few new chat friends !!!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 27th Feb 2023 07:06:37
Hi Waivie,

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13th Feb 2023 19:05:24
Thanks for voting!
Hey Malibu23, yes just joined and from the mid-west but looks like we are few and far between here in the US. Hope to find others who are also from the US. How have you found it to be here?
5th Feb 2023 12:54:14
Thanks for voting!
Hi Guys,
I have been told I am the nicest person but very sarcastic. Hey sarcasm is the highest form of intelligence, I thought it was a compliment…. So would you all like to discuss travel, lifestyle, food, music, film, renovations, etc? Notice I avoid politics and religion. X
20th Nov 2021 20:24:43 (Last activity: 4th Feb 2023 13:27:59)
Thanks for voting!
I'm from the west coast of the US. I'm hoping to find here that people do not pick on other members. So many sites I've been to end up in verbal brawls. By this age I always hope people have grown beyond that. I look forward to good exchanges with good folks in the US and other places.
Response from bubbajo made on 27th Nov 2021 00:46:11

Hello from the Other coast of the USA.....South Florida to be exact. I am brand new to the site and just browsing around ...especially to find others stateside. Not interested in picking on anybody but sometimes my rather dry sense of humor is mistaken for that. If your interested, give me a holler.

Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 23rd Feb 2022 07:55:08
Hi Deeview,

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Response from Lagunalisa7 made on 7th Apr 2022 11:52:50
Hi everyone.,I’m from Germany but live in the US and hoping to find friends I can chat with !
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 7th Apr 2022 13:55:40 > @Lagunalisa7
Hi Lagunalisa7,

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Response from KennaLynn made on 8th Jul 2022 01:35:24 > @bubbajo
In NC here - I have the same problem with my sense of humor sometimes - but I would never be mean for real!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 8th Jul 2022 08:02:08 > @KennaLynn
Hi KennaLynn,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

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If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from Snowcat made on 4th Feb 2023 13:27:59 > @Lagunalisa7
Looking forward to chatting with you.
You wouldn’t by chance have a nice Sauerbraten recipe, would you?
10th Sep 2022 03:59:17 (Last activity: 4th Feb 2023 13:23:29)
Thanks for voting!
Hello everyone from Colorado.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 10th Sep 2022 08:47:33
Hi MeldaLou,

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Response from Snowcat made on 4th Feb 2023 13:23:29
Hello in Colorado!
Beautiful state, minus the politics.
Have a daughter who lives there in her off season from firefighting.
She’s an avid hiker and is in heaven there.
4th Feb 2023 13:18:40
Thanks for voting!
Welcome from Ohio!
I too am new here and looking to make some new friends and chat, location is not a problem.
I love learning about those across the pond, foods, culture, politics etc.
1st Feb 2023 23:08:40 (Last activity: 2nd Feb 2023 08:07:33)
Thanks for voting!
My sister lives in Tyler Texas
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 2nd Feb 2023 08:07:33
Hi Honeybeelovemuffin,

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If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

11th Dec 2022 22:20:24
Thanks for voting!
Thanks camp,
Making my worst nightmares come true! I love my son. Oh by the way he is doing really well in Dallas, is that the Oxford voice, or maybe you are wrong? It’s just if you follow a dream and believe, you can attain it. Don’t know a lot about American politics, I’m sorry in my country I was always conservative but moving towards labour now. RV oh my goodness no! Especially if it hasn’t got thread count on bedding. I’m not a pompous person just British
31st Jul 2022 16:09:41 (Last activity: 21st Oct 2022 21:45:22)
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Response from AJDallas made on 21st Oct 2022 21:45:22
Hi Canp,
Still living in the Uk. Looking to relocate to Dallas for family. Sorry about my ignorance; I haven’t got a clue how far Arizona is from Dallas. Although, I have visited America for work and holidays. Looking for a friend to chat too,. It is all a bit daunting to transition at my age, I’m Sixty. Hope you will reply and can let me know the things to be mindful off.
Kind Regards,
21st Oct 2022 21:40:48
Thanks for voting!
Hi Canp,
Still living in the Uk. Looking to relocate to Dallas for family. Sorry about my ignorance; I haven’t got a clue how far Arizona is from Dallas. Although, I have visited America for work and holidays. Looking for a friend to chat too,. It is all a bit daunting to transition at my age, I’m Sixty. Hope you will reply and can let me know the things to be mindful off.
Kind Regards,
11th Jul 2022 15:58:00 (Last activity: 11th Jul 2022 16:26:24)
Thanks for voting!
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 11th Jul 2022 16:26:24
Hi Tanya31,

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8th Jul 2022 01:33:50
Thanks for voting!
Hi Malibu! I am from US - North Carolina to be exact!
5th Jul 2022 17:59:21 (Last activity: 5th Jul 2022 21:40:43)
Thanks for voting!
Brand new here. I'm from the U.S. Here for discussions, chats, most anything. 🙂
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 5th Jul 2022 21:40:43
Hi Adelia,

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