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Are you a Grandparent?

How old were you when you first became a grandparent and did you feel ready for the role?

Created By on 04/03/2014

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4th Jan 2015 19:20:18
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Silversurfers Editor said

How old were you when you first became a grandparent and did you feel ready for the role?

Yes im a grandparent I was 45 when my first grandchild arrived
4th May 2019 21:13:55
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My children were bereaved of their 3 grandparents before their teens.My ex-husband and myself both had older parents,my mother was 42 when I was born and I was 16 when she died. This has made me appreciate my own grandchildren,I was 57 when my first granddaughter was born and 66 when a 2nd granddaughter was born and 6weeks later a grandson.I see them frequently but arrangements are made that suit us all ,and my children's expectations 're childminding are very much in line with my availibilty.However when the grandchildren are older I hope they continue to visit me through choice and love.
3rd May 2019 15:08:30
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I first became a grandmother at 42, she's 9 now, I wasn't sure if there would be any more grandchildren for years yet, my eldest child doesn't want children, my 3rd daughter has problems in that area and not sure if it would ever happen, my youngest daughter and son are 20 and 18 respectively and not ready for children yet, and my 2nd daughter was told 3 years ago that she wouldn't be able to have any more children because she developed sepsis in her womb, but is currently expecting and due next month!!
15th Sep 2018 12:28:59
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Can you tell me how to put a picture on my profile?
15th Sep 2018 12:16:57 (Last activity: 15th Sep 2018 12:27:59)
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I am grandmother to five grandchildren (and a baby grandson of three weeks in heaven). I adopted two of my grandchildren 12 years ago, due to my eldest daughters lifestyle. She committed suicide in 2015, leaving four children, aged between five and eighteen. The ten and eight year olds live with their father, and I don't get to see much of them.
I am what they call a "Kinship" carer.
I grew up with a without grandparents. My favourite one passed away when I was six. The other set moved to Canada and she died at aged 93. They say "Only the good die young", I strongly believe this, as she was never my idea of a grandmother. Never received a birthday card/present or even a sweet. So I vowed I would try to be a good parent and a great "Granny". I didn't fair too good on the parental side of things, however I am a good granny. My granddaughter is at University, grandson at College. I have just booked a holiday for ten of us to have a "Quality Time Family Holiday", I have also helped them all with driving/lessons/insurance etc. I know material things are unimportant, but when I was little I would have loved something from my granny, anything, and I would have treasured it. I didn't think this is how I would spend my later years, I would love to move and live near the seaside....but it looks like that's way in the distance now. I love all my grandchildren, and would do this all over again in a heartbeat. Kids are my life.
Response from jan19512003 made on 15th Sep 2018 12:27:59
Oh! Forgot to mention my new wee grandson of six months (brain is deteriorating) 🙂 I am so used to saying Five. He is special, very special, and is the light of my life. I became a granny at 56 and my mum was 39! how things have changed.
10th Feb 2018 10:57:14
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Hi I'm new I'm a grandmother I've One granddaughter nearly 16 from my daughter and one granddaughter from my son how is two
19th Nov 2016 21:59:04 (Last activity: 19th Nov 2016 22:02:43)
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I was 67 & had thought that I was never going to be a Grandma & was absolutely thrilled & I still love her to bits & enjoy every minute of her company.
I am so happy to have her & before she started school used to have her every Tuesday for the day.
I am lucky that they only live a short drive away!
Response from DianeC made on 19th Nov 2016 22:02:43
Just realised I had already replied lower down!
11th Nov 2016 09:21:43
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Good morning again from Ireland. Yes I am a grandmother and so blessed to be so. Thankfully I see the two younger grandchildren who live over here. We do quite a lot together. That will change as they are growing and beginning to move in different circles. The third granddaughter was born in America. Grownup but I still see her as she lives with my son and daughter-in law. Hope to get to Chicago again 2017.
11th Nov 2016 08:22:59
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I was 45 when my grandson was born. I remember the call from my daughter very well when she rang to tell me she was expecting. After congratulating her I was laughing, and then suddenly said "I don't know what I'm laughing at as that will make me a granny".

I now have my grandson of 14, and 2 granddaughters of 12 years old. It's funny watching my daughter dealing with a sulky teenager !

I was a teen bride, as I wanted the "Happy Family", a loving husband and a couple of kids. I married at 17 years old and boy was I in for a shock ! My husband was a control freak who domineered me and generally made my life hell for the best part of 20 years.

On a brighter note I am very close to the 2 children I had to him, and my 3 grandchildren, but because of the way he is he doesn't see any of them.
11th Nov 2016 08:10:26
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I became a "Nanny" when I was 60yrs . My beautiful Grandaughter was born deaf. I have the pleasure of looking after her 3 days a week. I always meant to retire at 60. My second grandchild is due at the end of March next year.
9th Oct 2016 10:56:23
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I was 56 when my first grandson was born and 60 when my second grandson arrived. In December my first granddaughter will make her appearance. I recently became step grandmother to eight children and step great grandmother to a brand new baby girl.

I was so ready to become a grandmother and my enormous crowd of grand and great grandchildren are the best thing that's ever happened to me.
11th Sep 2016 07:43:39
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I have been quite amazed at the ages we became Grandparents after reading messages on this forum, I was 55 when my first Grandchild were born and since he there have been 2 more, so at 66 I now have 3 Grandsons to 2 of my children, all my blessings. My own Mother was 40 when I had my first child and she became Granma, as were many those day, most of my friends had children at 18/19 like myself, I was married at 18 and had my first child one year later, went on to have 2 more, so have 3 children myself, one of each is my way of describing them as my eldest child is gay and getting married next year, I was married 26 years when my husband decided I had become too old for his mind and he left me for a woman who was 18 years my junior, who left him when she had spent all his money....Karma...though personally I don't believe in Karma, if it existed at all I WOULD have won the lottery by now, lol. Hope you are all well and enjoying the warmth of Autumn x
2nd Sep 2016 19:55:29
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I was 49 when my first grandchild was born and 74 when my last grandchild was born, with four more in between, and each time it was like Christmas .I was so ready to be a nanna
Robs sister
2nd Sep 2016 18:11:45
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I was 60 and I sure was ready for the role, its a pity that my grandchildren are so far away, they are now 8, 4 and 5 months, I hardly get to see them and feel that I am missing so much.
13th Aug 2016 12:29:26 (Last activity: 14th Aug 2016 15:36:33)
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I was 68 & thought I was never going to be a Grandma, all my friends had been grandparents for years & I found it upsetting when they would say that they were expecting to be a Grandma again. We were in Florida when our son & dil Skyped us & when we answered, held up a picture of the scan ! We were both so excited & told everyone when we went to dinner that evening. Phoebe Grace is the love of our lives, & we are lucky enough not to live far away. We look after her every Tuesday & both look forward to it every week, unfortunately she starts school in a couple of weeks, but hopefully will continue to see her frequently.
Response from Sd made on 13th Aug 2016 18:21:58
Lucky you seeing so much of your granddaughter. Its slightly different once they start school but still as special. My twin grandchildren are 6 and I pick them up from school every Friday while mum and dad are at work, it's a time I look forward to and a chance to hear about their time at school.
Response from georgesmum made on 14th Aug 2016 15:36:33
You will always have a special bond with Phoebe Grace!
14th Aug 2016 15:33:34
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I've just returned home from covering "grandma" duties , looking after my grandsons aged 3 and 1 for a couple of wonderful but totally exhausting days....I still haven't recovered but as I don't see them that often it was an extra special time!
Shame the parents weren't such a joy.......when did my son and his wife become such grumps?.......when they became parents I suppose.
13th Aug 2016 18:35:15
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I was 44 when my first Granddaughter was born, 2 years later my second Granddaughter was born. Sadly the first died from a massive asthma attack at the age of 17. My other Granddaughter is now 20
22nd Jul 2016 21:06:49 (Last activity: 22nd Jul 2016 22:16:10)
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My first and only Grandson came along in January this year 2016 ..he was 5 weeks early and I am so sure he wanted to come into the world on my 64th Birthday but he was born three hours before midnight ha ha ..thinking about it now I am really pleased he has his own Birthday .
I live in Cumbria and my Grandson lives in Wigan I visit them often and they visit me but saying that ..I cry each time I say bye to them ..I miss him so much, he is my Daughter and Son in Laws Son , my Son lives in London and is getting married in two weeks time ..when they have children I think I will need a friend with a helicopter !! for all the traveling I will be doing !Do you know anyone? ha ha .
Response from georgesmum made on 22nd Jul 2016 22:16:10
I didn't realise the strength of love I would feel until my first grandchild was born. I will never forget the rush of feelings of pride and wonder when I held him for the first time.
I will be travelling to stay with my two little grandsons next week to take over "grandma duties" for a few days....and I can't wait!
Seaside woman
17th May 2016 18:35:57
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I was 40 when my first grandchild arrived. It wasn't that I wasn't ready to be a grandma - more that I wasn't ready for my daughter to be a mum! However she is a brilliant one, now to four boys! And has recently gone back to the studying that was interrupted. I now have 16 grandchildren - 8 of each! And I adore them all. Sadly I haven't seen two of them in a while due to relationship breakdown, but I'm hopeful that one day they will find me. I spend a lot of time with the others and enjoy every minute.
24th Mar 2016 10:10:41
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I was 51 when my first grandchild was born. No I wasn't ready as he is my youngest daughter's child..she now has 3.... As my eldest daughter is now 41 had she had children I could have been a grandparent by the age of 36! I am glad she didn't though, she wouldn't have coped neither would I.
My youngest daughter is only 24 now and her grandma would have been so proud of her and the way she copes with her children. Her grandma died when the oldest was one month old. A mixed blessing that year.
23rd Mar 2016 20:38:32
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I was 55 when I became a grandparent to premature twins. It really has been one of the best times in my life. Because I have always helped with the twins we are very close and I feel truly blessed.
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