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The future of the Labour party!

Should the entire Labour Party be stuffed and mounted and displayed in a museum under the heading, 'How Not To Do British Politics'?

Well, should they, I mean they are about as much use as a chocolate fireguard and so far from their core ethos that they are now no longer the party of the people.

Created By on 12/07/2016

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19th May 2017 10:24:12
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Well Labour have now gone back to their original core principles so maybe if the working class stop a moment and look at policy instead of so called personality we can get back to a sane system in the country
25th Nov 2017 02:16:19
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Well having participated on here with some very ok people i have had a complete change of opinions ,views with regards the Labour Party. I have relinquished all traces of support for them .
The defining issue for myself is BREXIT, they have just totally ignored the wishes of the referendum and are acting on their own, to say that if they managed to win an election they will give the British people another vote. This is not democracy ,it's anarchy as far as i'm concerned. Corbin does not know where the north of England is, he is only caring for the younger voter's from the yuppy south who gave him this power. I contacted my own M.P. she voted with the whip and totally ignored the 70% of voters in my home town who put her in for another 5 years in a cushy job. I just believe once these people get elected they very,very soon forget who and why we put them in office.

After supporting Labour for all my life it has now finished,i will never ever vote tory and as for the luny libs they to can take a flying toss so at 70+ years my voting days are over never again will they con me for my cross so to all out there HAVE A NICE DAY!
13th Jul 2016 12:36:56 (Last activity: 30th Oct 2017 11:28:52)
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If not in service of "we the people", then retire them in your minds forever.
Response from John Walsh made on 30th Oct 2017 11:28:52
I voted labour but feel let down by the uncontrolled immigration. I now have a Polish family one side of me and a Romanian family on the other. They all work but its just not right. I don't believe or trust any one anymore and that includes the royals. They're just a bunch of scroungers. Our only hope is to leave the EU asap.
8th Nov 2016 14:01:38 (Last activity: 28th Jun 2017 09:31:16)
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I now believe our voting system needs to change because the majority of voters NEVER get the government the want.All polictical parties in this country are elected by a minority of voters.
Response from SannyFerrien made on 28th Jun 2017 09:31:16
Definitely! Look where we are now -- governed by a party which got 29% of the electorate to vote for it, tries to tell us it has a mandate from the people, has had to scupper chunks of the manifesto on which it got that 29%, and has had to promise £1 billion of our taxes to one corner of the country, and scuttle the Good Friday Agreement, just to stagger on. And we await investigations into overspent and fraudulent canvassing.
16th Jun 2017 15:54:05 (Last activity: 27th Jun 2017 20:03:30)
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Well as the saying goes " youv'e not only just shot yourself in foot"" Ok they have not got the majority of seats, but by heck they gave the tory's a run for their money and let'sface it the blue brigade lost a whole lot of seats plus Credibility too! The last crapy P.M. I have know was a tory sir alec douglas hulme, but on reflection he was just a tad better than the stupid bird we have at the moment.
She sowed what she reapt also i have never come across some one who dither's and dallies like her ,then the final insult getting in bed with the D.U.P. How disgusting and deplorable of her to link up with such a VILE party has them ,my gut is wretching at the sheer hypocracy of the woman ,then again she is a tory ,which we all know are lower than a snakes belly.

SO finally keep the momentum going Jeremy Corbyn long live Labour Party!!
Response from SannyFerrien made on 27th Jun 2017 20:03:30
Lionel, you and I have very similar working histories; I raise my farmworkers', or my bus drivers', cap to you if you have managed to earn and save enough to fear Labour's proposed taxes!

As for "scurrilous pair", almost every savvy politico I have heard talk of Corbyn has emphasised his honesty, principles, likeability and affability, if nothing else. I know less of McDonnell but when interviewed he is one of those rare politicians who listens to, and tries to address, the questions asked of him, and rarely resorts to personal attack.

Whereas, the sustained ad hominem attacks by the Tories and their supportive press barons, not to mention Labour's own Torylite PLP, are definitely worthy of the adjective.
8th Nov 2016 13:51:07
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my first post I always voted labour until tony blair turned them into plastic tories I now find myself a homeless voter. The labour party mp.s represent only their own views and cannot accept brexit
19th Aug 2016 15:56:24
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Well (celtwitch) i don't know your age but i will assume your not that old, whilst i have to agree with part of your views i utterly believe that criticism like yours just helps to undermine the party and does it no favours at all.
If you are a socialist you should realise that what you ought to be doing is to help your local party to try and get back to the basics of socialism, not just making glib comments.
I particulary detest the leader corbin, but i have certainly not thrown in the towel ,in fact it has made me more determined to fight this fool and to attempt to rid him from the party as he is doing what you are implying in making a true people's party into a laughing stock. Which at this particular time in world and in Britains place we need a stronger LABOUR PARTY MORE THAN EVER!

Finally if you can answer me this question , Who has helped the working class more since 1920 to date????
30th Jul 2016 21:24:09
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In my opinion we no longer live in a democracy. To have a democracy you must have an opposition, and the sooner the labour leaders realise this the better it will be for the country.

With regards to Brexit, I anticipate that within 3/5 years our economy will be stronger than that of the EU, but then I don't think the EU will exist in its present form by then.

Has anyone noticed that Jean-Claude Juncker is being very quiet after his initial cynical outburst, that's down to Mutti Merkel, who is the real leader of the EU.
celtwitch Original Poster
15th Jul 2016 16:21:44 (Last activity: 16th Jul 2016 10:21:37)
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I feel sorry for labour supporters, many of whom will have been lifelong masochistic sufferers of Labour mistakes. I think that the run-of-the-mill Labourite has simply voted that way because they don't know any better; ask them why they vote Labour and they won't have a credible answer,
At the moment they are faced with a stark choice, do they wish for a Marxist gnome, .
Corbynchev has the charisma of a gulag jailer and Eagle is the political equivalent
Anyone who displays a 'VOTE LABOUR' posterin their window in the run up to elections, is simply telling the world that they are an idiot.
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 15th Jul 2016 17:58:21
Oh dear the censor has hacked my post to death.
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 16th Jul 2016 10:21:37
Truth is hate when you hate the truth.
12th Jul 2016 17:55:12 (Last activity: 15th Jul 2016 21:54:45)
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Response from Wilf made on 12th Jul 2016 20:36:11
It certainly wasn't with Tony Blair as he is worth c£25m
Response from anf1408 made on 13th Jul 2016 10:59:29
It is a damning indictment that the last prime minister from a working-class background was a Conservative, John Major. It is also appalling that in spite of their constant bleating about inclusion and equality they are yet to elect a female leader. Somewhere in the labour party there are people who are truly representative of their traditional voters, but their voices are drowned out by two factions of elitists who hold all the positions of authority and power and are intent on keeping it that way.
Response from marjorie made on 13th Jul 2016 11:50:43
What any Prime Minister does after he leaves Government is entirely up them.
I disagreed with Tony Blair going to War in Iraq 100%, but you cannot take away the the Achievements that was carried out under his government.

Which introduced the minimum wage for the first time
Funding for every school pupil double by 2008
Introduced the winter fuel payments, which has not increased since this this government came to power.
Free T.v Licences for the over 70's. Banned Fox Hunting. Free eye test for the over 60's. Free bus passes for the over 60's. Waiting times for operations halved. Free entry to National Museums and Galleries. Free nursery places for 3 and 4 years old. Low mortgage rates for the first time for some years. Devolved power to Scotland. Devolved Power to the Welsh Assembly assembly. Brought peace to Northern Ireland. Introduced Disability Rights Commission.. All workers to have the right to 4 weeks paid holiday. Introduced child tax credits.
Scrapped section 28 and brought in civil partnerships. 85,000 more nurses 32,000 more doctors as the N.H.S was on its knees. Brought more than a million homes up to standard.
I think they should have built more social housing. Cleanest rivers,beaches, drinking water and air since the Industrial revolution. Dads got 2 weeks paternity leave for the first time. A million pensioners lifted out of relative poverty. New Deal helped more than a million into work. Cut overall crime by 35%. I disagreed on many things which Labour did. one of my criticisms was bringing in the private sector to the N.H.S. as people were waiting for years for operations. Many of Labour supporters knew that if the Tories came to power they would have the chance to bring other private companies into the N.H.S which they are gradually doing now. It was the greedy bankers that finished the Labour Party out of government Gordon Brown had to prop the banks up with billions of pounds.

What do I think of Labour now I agree with many of the things Jeremy Corbyn stands for. He says he wants to do things differently, that's okay if your opposite number does the same, but if they don't it makes one look weak. He has a soft voice Nicola Sturgeon the leader of the S.N.P said she was told by an Actor to get help in projecting her voice which she did. Margaret Thatcher did. Jeremy being a man wouldn't take that advice I expect. I think Labour should have left him there and I think he would have stood down before 5 years, as he was overheard saying 'who would want to be a Prime Minister' he is a really nice guy but that isn't enough to be a leader.
Labour has some great experienced Members of Parliament 2 of the Party have come forward to challenge Jeremy, but the are not the best in the Party, perhaps they are biding their time.
Response from KEITH_WL made on 13th Jul 2016 21:02:16
Lionel, I think you should justify this. On what grounds do you say that CeltWitch runs away?
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 15th Jul 2016 11:31:52
Why do you suggest Atlee?
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 15th Jul 2016 11:34:26
And, by the way Leo, it's celtwitch...don't forget the 'witch.' Or, I will put a spell on you, and you could wake up 6ft tall!
Response from KEITH_WL made on 15th Jul 2016 16:25:27
Ah Lionel, your response won't do. It doesn't add to what I could see already - in any case different people tend to interpret the same facts in different ways. I feel that *you* have lit the blue touchpaper and run away.
Response from KEITH_WL made on 15th Jul 2016 21:54:45
Could be, but surely jousting has rules.
15th Jul 2016 13:45:27 (Last activity: 15th Jul 2016 18:49:59)
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I have just read the few comments on the Labour Party, It is very easy for us to sit in judgement and some say it's right that we can say what we like that is true democracy. But what i tend to find deplorable is when ordinary people go off on a tangent. The (celt) (lionel)(vlad)
i do not particulary share your remarks for i have supported Labour most of my life but i do try hard to see all sides of the debate,argument before i make my decisions .

As i say i strongly believe that had this country never had a Labour Party then all the things that the working class enjoy today as a right would in fact be a hell of a lot worse off. One does not need to go a great far back in times when there were no unions , just look at the working conditions , health and safety , most of all welfare of the people. I obviously need not remind you of the greatest institution of the world and also envied by so many our N.H.S. without doubt the best welfare care in the world when it was introduced by Labour in 1947. Along with nationalisation of all the countries major sercices, which today should be by the people, not the greedy ,money grabbing ,profiteer's ,i'm not sure silversurfer's lets one rant on in many words so i will bow out now
but will partially agree with parts of your comments which are :Yes the Party is sadly imploding and i wil blame just one that is Corbyn, it is immaterial if he has backers and supporter's the facts are glaringly stark and plain , He is destroying the party ,he knows it ,he's not that stupid , and there are time 's when as they say one should fall on his sword in order to re-strengthen the party in it's fight against what we are seeing now with a the tory's leaning very far to the right, so ask for you to consider what Labour has done and given the chance what they can do .
Response from Wilf made on 15th Jul 2016 13:47:53
I agree with all you say winky. the Labour party have given us workers rights/working hours/safer conditions etc etc. Working people could still be being exploited like in so many other countries. The issue with Labour is they are in turmoil and should be a strong opposition
Response from anf1408 made on 15th Jul 2016 15:55:05
The greatest achievements of the Labour party listed by Winky are not from the recent past. They were generally established decades ago and this contributes to the party's struggle to find a strong identity and connect with voters of today. For me, they gave up their identity under Blair, as he saw this as necessary to make the party more appealing to middle England and win an election. During this time, although there were changes which helped the poorly paid, such as the introduction of the minimum wage, there were also policies more closely associated with Thatcher than the Labour Party such as continuing with the sale of council houses and the maintaining of lower taxes for the wealthy. From this point a split was created between New Labour and those with more traditional views. The current problems seem to have arisen as a consequence of the continued appointment of, largely, highly-educated, middle-class, middle-ground MPs into positions of authority at the expense of an increasingly dis-satisfied left wing minority. Rather than acknowledging this minority the parliamentary party largely ignored them along with the growing numbers of empowered members who supported them. The result is the election of Corbyn and the current impasse between the two factions and, regardless of who wins the upcoming leadership vote, until a conciliatory solution is found Labour will find it impossible to create an identity which will connect with many of its own members, let alone the electorate.
Response from [deleted] made on 15th Jul 2016 18:49:59
celtwitch Original Poster
14th Jul 2016 09:24:57 (Last activity: 15th Jul 2016 16:11:35)
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Perhaps they should dissolve the Labour party and relaunch themselves as the Liberal Left
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 15th Jul 2016 10:03:10
My comment was rather longer than this, but the Silversurfers censor has chopped it to pieces.
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 15th Jul 2016 13:19:13
Perhaps they should dissolve the Labour party and relaunch themselves as the Liberal Left,
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 15th Jul 2016 15:21:01
The censor has done it again. it's a poor do when we can't say what we want.
Response from celtwitch Original Poster made on 15th Jul 2016 16:11:35
I would rather drink with Socrates!
15th Jul 2016 15:55:57
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I agree with you on this one , the Labour Party are a bunch of failed union leaders and social workers who dress in the dark .

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