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I would like to make new friends for general conversation only

I have recently moved to a new home, and I feel very isolated where I am living not knowing many people here. I would very much like to make and chat with some new friends.  Is there anyone else in the same situation?

Created By on 18/08/2015

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7th Mar 2016 07:19:49
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Hi yes I can go with what your saying I too moved 3 years ago and still no one wants to pop in for coffee I don't see anyone once I shut my front door
9th Jan 2016 09:06:55 (Last activity: 7th Mar 2016 05:39:59)
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I live in Maidstone although I live on edge of Maidstone on very friendly estate I don't see a sole
Response from Wilf made on 9th Jan 2016 11:10:40
This is a very friendly community Maureen and sure you will meet lots of new friends here
Response from kattie75 made on 7th Mar 2016 05:39:59
I know what you mean if I didn't have my little cat to talk too I would be talking to the walls I go to a club 3 times a week but as for the neighbours well I might as well be invisable
19th Jan 2016 15:23:02
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I live in the countryside west of Durham city
I am 59 and convalescing from a couple of
Serious hernia ops
Things have improved greatly for me ,though it can get lonely
I guess it's the same for most people over 50...
17th Dec 2015 10:31:29 (Last activity: 9th Jan 2016 09:08:36)
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Hi, lonely 52 yr old I'm new to Rotherhithe and looking to meet new people with the view to friendship.
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 17th Dec 2015 17:43:26
Hello Chelly and welcome. I hope you enjoy our Forum and our Silversurfers online community. Lots of like-minded, friendly people here with a great sense of humour in common! In addition to the Forum we have hundreds of features, an active Speakers Corner with daily debates and polls, an online Book Club, special offers for our Silvercard+ holders and so much more! If you haven't already done so, do register for our FREE Silvercard+ ... the only online discount card for the over 50s! Best wishes .. Sally
Response from maureenmargret made on 9th Jan 2016 09:08:36
Hi I know how you feel I'm outgoing love friends but since moving to senacre I don't see a sole
3rd Jan 2016 06:23:33
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Hello there! Hope your lot has improved. Best wishes for this new year.
29th Dec 2015 22:25:58
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Hi,Where is this Isolated place?? I have lived in rural quiet places and I loved it and wish I could go back. Sometimes towns are the more isolated! Davitts dame
16th Dec 2015 09:30:45 (Last activity: 26th Dec 2015 22:09:34)
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I've just joined, thought I would go into a chat room but this apparently doesn't happen. How do you communicate?
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 16th Dec 2015 09:58:02
Hello verlaine and a warm welcome. I hope you enjoy our Forum and our Silversurfers online community which is how our members talk to each other currently. We are launching our new chat facility today so you will be able to talk to other Silversurfers members. Lots of like-minded, friendly people here with a great sense of humour in common! Best wishes .. Sally
Response from cheeky monkey made on 26th Dec 2015 22:09:34
Hi I note you has a reply from editor re a chat line opening.on here??????
I haven't found it yet.
did you have any luck?

Hello by the way I am recent on this but not making much of an impression.
not even sure I like trying to communicate in this way.

most of my conversations are at check out points in supermarkets.God Bless em.
used to be at bus stops until I got a car.
in the Library or a charity shop.
these are all places you can pop into in any area in a town.have a coffee in local café.
I found it takes about six months before I stop feeling threatened after moving into a new area. once I know my area its much easier to relax and chat with strangers.
theres also local places of worship if that suits you.
19th Aug 2015 12:36:35 (Last activity: 9th Dec 2015 10:31:38)
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hi I am new to this how do you make friends on here??
Response from Moodyblue Original Poster made on 19th Aug 2015 13:45:42
Hi iam also new to this group , hopefully someone will reply to make friends .
Response from tracinghawk made on 19th Aug 2015 14:03:42
I like to be your friend?
Response from Lynn Titus made on 19th Aug 2015 23:02:35
Sure lets be friends,don't know all about this yet,,but will try n learn
Response from Lynn Titus made on 19th Aug 2015 23:04:20
Not sure if there is a list to have friends,new here also,,,but I'm trying to figure it out
Response from Lynn Titus made on 19th Aug 2015 23:05:24
Replying,,chat buddy,,lol
Response from Lynn Titus made on 19th Aug 2015 23:08:11
We can be friends
Response from Lynn Titus made on 19th Aug 2015 23:08:52
Let's all be friends
Response from jacknan45 made on 20th Aug 2015 00:58:53
I'm also kind of lonely and hope we can be "chat" friends. This is my first time in a chat room.
Response from tracinghawk made on 20th Aug 2015 06:59:28
I am new to this to, are you on facebook maybe can chat on there??
Response from Wilf made on 21st Aug 2015 21:50:09
Happy to chat anytime
Response from syldee555 made on 8th Oct 2015 23:36:46
I used to chat years ago , but it was in a chat room with people there in the room with you , this seems remote , am I the only one that is disappointed in it
Response from Mushwee47 made on 9th Dec 2015 10:31:38
You tell people a lot about yourself make it interesting and say where you live Thats how you do it !!!!
20th Aug 2015 00:56:35 (Last activity: 23rd Nov 2015 00:41:54)
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Hi! This is my first experience with chatting, but I feel very isolated too. I've just retired and am recovering from breast cancer treatment. My job was my life and I have very few outside friends or interests. I'd love to talk if you'd like. I'll try not to be too boring!
Response from Moodyblue Original Poster made on 20th Aug 2015 07:17:08
Hi! I would like to talk to you if you are interested , I don't have any outside interests, i recently moved to a new place so i don't know many of the residents that live by me. I am a full time carer as my husband has prostate cancer .
Response from jacknan45 made on 20th Aug 2015 14:05:02
I'm so sorry about your husband. How is he doing and what is the prognosis?

My husband has leukemia, but so far it has not required any treatment.

What is your career? I worked as a technology manager and renewal specialist for a state agency. Loved my job, but my husband was alone so much that I retired in June.

Where did you live before the move?
Response from Moodyblue Original Poster made on 20th Aug 2015 15:42:49
Thank you for your message. My husband has stage 3 cancer , he takes a chemo medication its supposed to keep the cancer under control, he will know the results next week from his last m r I scan , so its going to be a worrying few days for him . I am still living in the same town , we were relocated to a better home due to my husbands health condition. I used to be a child care worker before I retired .
Response from jacknan45 made on 20th Aug 2015 22:00:42
That's rough on both of you. So hard to sit by and watch a loved one go through an illness. How are you doing with all of the stress?

My husband and I moved two years ago to our current place after 27 years in a house we loved. The new house was a very bad choice for us, but the neighbors are very nice.

You must have an extreme amount of energy if you worked with children - though they will keep you young! How many years did you work in that profession?

My name is Nancy. I'm 63 years old and as I said, I retired in June after working for the State of Minnesota for just over 40 years.

Thank you for getting back to me and I hope you both have a good evening.
Response from Wilf made on 21st Aug 2015 21:48:48
Sorry to hear about your husband. There are a lot of friendly people on Silversurfers and the Facebook site as well
Response from Moodyblue Original Poster made on 23rd Aug 2015 08:10:18
Hi Nancy , Thank you for your message , do you live in Minnesota ?
Life hasn't been easy for me over the past few years coping with family illness , not just my husband but myself and my younger daughter as well .
I was a child care worker for six years , I only did part time work before that as i had a family of three children .
I do wonder how i find the strength and energy to get through each day but somehow i manage .

Kind Regards
From June .
Response from jacknan45 made on 23rd Aug 2015 16:35:32
Good morning. I have lived in Minnesota all of my life.

Believe me I understand. This not my husband's first bout with cancer. He lost a kidney to it several years ago. My daughter was born with multiple birth defects and still has ongoing health issues. I make myself sick sometimes worrying.

How many children do you have? I only have the one daughter. She recently became engaged to someone she's only known for a little while. Another worry.

We have no option, but to deal with this stuff do we?

When will you find out the results of your husband's scan MRS? I will keep both of you in my prayers.

My email address is [email protected] if you would prefer to communicate through email.

Today is very chilly for August, but we've been having temperatures in the high 80s - low 90s so it feels pretty good in comparison. Since completing my cancer treatments, I've been trying to walk every day and walking isn't so appealing when it's hot.

Take care,

Response from Moodyblue Original Poster made on 14th Oct 2015 11:38:06
Hi I have tried to send you an email message but it has been returned undelivered
Are you ok ?
Response from plank made on 23rd Nov 2015 00:41:54
I too just retired from teaching so too busy with demanding job and dick husband to make any friends cousins and older brother live over 700 miles away step son and wife hardly bother with us .
8th Sep 2015 19:09:53 (Last activity: 9th Nov 2015 11:18:16)
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Hi Hun,
Iv'e just moved back to my home city of liverpool after living in the back and beyond of North Northumberland for over 25 years and I'm finding it just as lonely and isolating than when I moved away and knew no one. All my family are here and thats why I came back but I wish I hadn't bothered, so I am I'm up for a chat lol!
Response from LenaP made on 30th Sep 2015 23:32:29
Hi Hildy I'm new on here as well. I live in Liverpool. I work full time in Chester and am finding myself isolated, lonely and bored at weekends. I have been widowed for a long time. Would love to chat.
Response from atrig made on 9th Nov 2015 11:12:58
Hi, hope you are still on here. I too have moved quite near to Liverpool since retirement. We came to be near our family but do not see that much of them. Shame there does not seem to be a means of pm or actual chat room. Have you tried Gransnet, don't have to be a gran.
Response from atrig made on 9th Nov 2015 11:18:16
Hi I have moved quite near Liverpool to be near family after I retired. We chose to come as we had nothing left in our home town but are not really seeing them so much. Would love to chat. Have any of you tried Gransnet, you don't have to be a gran. Shame there is no chat room or pm
5th Nov 2015 22:35:42
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No but I can totally understand your situation. I keep in touch with a lady friend who moved from Hawaii to Washington she is so lonely and sad. So I call her weekly and write I sure would like to be your friend I love meeting new people.
12th Oct 2015 09:55:27 (Last activity: 12th Oct 2015 12:17:07)
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I am new here, female, aged 62 and happily settled with my partner in the Shropshire hills. I would love to chat about English history & heritage, caravanning, all kinds of music, books of all genres, cats, food and the joys of being retired. I don't see a facility for exchanging personal messages on this site. Maybe I missed it?
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 12th Oct 2015 12:17:07
Hello Sooz and a very warm welcome to Silversurfers. We have our forums which many of our members use daily. They are public and we do not currently have a facility for personal messages on them. We hope you enjoy Silversurfers. Regards Sally
3rd Oct 2015 13:34:01 (Last activity: 8th Oct 2015 23:30:42)
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Hi, just joined so would like to get to know what happens here
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 3rd Oct 2015 13:52:42
Hello Lindaeastyorkshire and a very warm welcome to Silversurfers-we are a friendly community and I hope you find many new friends here. has our new Forums which you have just joined with lots of active members. We also have the Silvercard+ with over 100 partners like airlines, restaurants, cruise companies and retail shops all offering excellent discounts. Plus we have thousands of interesting articles and also votes and discussions on our "Speakers Corner" posts. I really hope you enjoy belonging to Silversurfers and please tell all your friends about us!
Response from syldee555 made on 8th Oct 2015 23:30:42
I also would like to know how you get into a chat room or isn't there any?
27th Sep 2015 18:04:07 (Last activity: 27th Sep 2015 18:13:17)
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Is there a Private Messaging button here, I don't fancy everybody being able to see my conversations?
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 27th Sep 2015 18:13:17
Dear Poppy, Many thanks for your message. We do not have private messaging capability at the moment as not many forums seem to have this -just Facebook. Everyone is very friendly on Silversurfers and joins in the conversations. Kind regards, Sally
25th Sep 2015 11:35:37
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Hi there, I have just joined so I am just learning the layout and rules. I live in Huddersfield West Yorkshire and would dearly love a chat mate but what I would really like is someone near who was interested in sewing. I have returned to sewing after my retirement and I am loving it whenever I can fit it in. What I am missing though is my friend who was also a sewer, tragically she died during the years I was bringing a family up and not sewing. I didn't realise just how much we enjoyed the same hobby.
11th Sep 2015 10:30:31 (Last activity: 15th Sep 2015 08:58:25)
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Glad to chat to anyone. I already replied (or thought I did) to others on the site but no response so either am doing something wrong or just no takers. Am 66 live in Hampshire. Hope to get some response this time!
Response from Moodyblue Original Poster made on 11th Sep 2015 13:37:49
Hi ! You haven't given much information about yourself.
What area of Hampshire do you live ?
Response from Pascale made on 12th Sep 2015 21:35:13
Hi! I have just joined this evening. I work full time but have been divorced for a long time now and find the evenings a little lonely sometimes. Thought I would give the chat room a go!
Response from granonthego made on 14th Sep 2015 18:32:07
Hi pascale & moody blue
Glad to hear from you. I live near Fleet. Married 45 years, have 4 children, 4 grandchildren. I spent nearly 40 years overseas living in 10 countries as husband a diplomat. I line dance, Zumba, cycle, play mahjong and live theatre, opera and ballet and live to travel.
How about you?
Response from Nad made on 15th Sep 2015 05:26:52
Wow Gran ! Slow down; I got tired just reading everything you do! Geesh; I'm turning 61 soon but no way I could keep up with you. Just kidding about the slow down though. You Go lady. It'll be great when you can post some photos here. Very impressive activity list you have there. I once practiced law here in Texas where I'm from but soon ran afoul of the politics of law and I withdrew to manufacture domestic wrought iron products. I once led a group of professors and students on a law school student exchange program. Whole lot of kissing is all I remember.
Response from granonthego made on 15th Sep 2015 08:58:25
Hi and

Thanks for your reply. Your present occupation sounds a bit of a difference from being a lawyer but expect you enjoy it more. I trained to teach in my forties (having spent 3 years in Sierra Leone which everyone now knows thanks to Ebola!) and soent next 20 years teaching mostly overseas - I did 6/7 teach olds, the nicest age I think. Are you married, have a partner? Do you like to travel? Not sure how to advance this forum thing as all posts seem public to all which is not ideal. Hoping to travel to Turkey beginning of October terrorist activities notwithstanding. Happy to hear back from you. Regards.
6th Sep 2015 08:27:02 (Last activity: 12th Sep 2015 21:28:09)
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Hi there I am new to this site and never been on chat rooms before. I am a 51 year female, working but get lonely over the weekends. Would love start some friendships here. This have to be online as I am from South Africa lol.
Response from Hildy1 made on 8th Sep 2015 19:14:45
Hi Rentia,
Iv'e never done chat rooms either, I don't even know what I'm doin tech wise lol! I can't even type and it's essential and spelling lol!
I'm up for a chat hun xx welcome by the way lol!
Response from Pascale made on 12th Sep 2015 21:28:09
Hello Rentia I have just joined this evening. I have also just moved house and don't know anyone where I am living yet. I work full time but am sometimes a little lonely in the evenings so have joined hoping to find new friends just to chat with.
7th Sep 2015 05:52:31
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Hi! Lotus flower. I am new on here so I may make mistakes for which I will appologise for now. You appear to have all the same interest's as I so may we chat please ???
lotus flower
28th Aug 2015 22:16:47 (Last activity: 3rd Sep 2015 20:03:59)
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Hi - I'm new on here tonight - have tried going on chat rooms before and usually ended up requesting for an account to be deleted because I don't find it easy to navigate these things. I'm 59, female; haven't worked in paid employment for some years now due to health issues but have done volunteering which has helped keep me in touch with people. Some of my interests are singing; reading; church; animals - especially dogs; walking my dog; tv; music; making new friends - don't really have any but having recently moved to a new church am hoping to build new friendships there. Can get very lonely at times though. I've lived in this area of Central Scotland all my life although my mother originally came from Worksop in England. Keeping it simple. Thank you.
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 28th Aug 2015 23:32:25
Hello lotus flower and a warm welcome to Silversurfers-we are a very friendly community and I hope you find many new friends here. has our new Forums which you have just joined with active members. We also have the Silvercard+ with over 100 partners like airlines, restaurants, cruise companies and retail shops all offering excellent discounts. Plus we have thousands of interesting articles and also votes and discussions on our "Speakers Corner" posts. I hope you enjoy Silversurfers and please tell all your friends about us!
Response from RoaieB made on 3rd Sep 2015 20:03:59
Hello lotus flower, I have just joined this evening, I live in Chatham Kent and I'm a widow so would love to chat if you want to.
Shropshire Lass
1st Sep 2015 10:58:26 (Last activity: 3rd Sep 2015 20:02:03)
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Hi to anyone listening, I've been a widow for eighteen years and although I've tried dating sites I've found only dissapointment. I have moved two years ago to live in a small town and I'm finding it hard to make friends. I moved because I needed to live in a bungalow for health reasons. I have only just joined this site and hope its the answer to how lonely I sometimes feel. I'd love to hear from anyone who would like to chat.
Response from Silversurfers Editor made on 1st Sep 2015 12:28:44
Hello Shropshire Lass and a very warm welcome to Silversurfers-we are a friendly community and I hope you find many new friends here. has our new Forums which you have just joined with lots of active members. We also have the Silvercard+ with over 100 partners like airlines, restaurants, cruise companies and retail shops all offering excellent discounts. Plus we have thousands of interesting articles and also votes and discussions on our "Speakers Corner" posts. I really hope you enjoy belonging to Silversurfers, you will find many friendly people here!
Response from RoaieB made on 3rd Sep 2015 20:02:03
Hello Shropshire Lass, I'm also a widow of nearly 4 years and life seems to be very lonely at time so if you would like to chat to me let me know.
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