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The Nation's Mental Health

It's been Mental Health Awareness Week with an enormous amount of news coverage of this topic. I think most of us know at least one person affected by mental health problems, probably more given that the statistics say that one in three of us who consult their GPs has a mental health problem at any one time and i'm wondering what people's thoughts are about why this illness is rising so much. Is it our lifestyles, our diet, our expectations of life. Or perhaps we are overly influenced by advertising showing us what we 'can' and 'should' buy, own and how we should look.............The list of possibilities is endless. What do others think is causing this problem and how can we address it? Is it the government's responsibility to offer mental health care, should we be working to find ways to beat this ourselves or perhaps a combination of the two. It's a growing problem, what are people's thoughts on this?

Created By on 13/05/2017

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15th May 2017 13:37:41
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Response from Treehugger1 Original Poster made on 15th May 2017 21:45:52
I completely agree with much of what you say Yodama, labels are a modern day curse for sure, but the fact that people are being labelled is an indication, for me, that there is pressure to conform to some societal pressure of 'normality' and is this where the pressure which results in depression and anxiety which is rife throughout society, to the extent that there are now plans in place to have mental health staff in every school in the country begins?
As I understand it, doctors are now offering talking therapies before medication to help, so Big Pharma are losing their foothold on this market if not necessarily others, but the question remains why are we so vulnerable to outside influences now?
Is the fact that our children are succumbing to this at earlier and earlier ages relevant? Perhaps the amount of technology involved in school lessons, as well as the amount they use out of school is influencing their mental health? How many adults do we know who don't have regular access to the internet, and are not permanently attached to something electronic?
Friendships consist of the amount of people who 'like' something you have posted on Facebook - people you neither know nor will ever meet, although I know some families do use it for keeping in touch. Must say here, this is what I understand, as I have never been tempted to join the FB crowd.
Again, you are right Yodama, there should be more drop in centres for the lonely and all mobiles should be switched off when you enter so people could remember how to make conversation, and I would love something like this in my area especially if all the people who are a bit different, and in my experience far more interesting, were to gather there.
This is a personal plea for everyone to just be themselves and stop trying to paste on an image of successful 'sameness' to be accepted by an increasingly stressed society which feels it needs to labelled normal.
21st May 2017 16:58:59 (Last activity: 25th May 2017 15:11:48)
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It's a very complicated subject in so far as the range of illnesses and the possible reasons . In many instances it's biological factors and others stress induced. I use the term stress in it's widest sense because even though we as individuals can take steps to reduce the stress we place upon ourselves, there are times when life life sends us major life changing events (eg serious health issues, the death of a loved one, separations, redundancy, abuse - the list goes on ) which are bound to knock the wind out of us.
Changes in society must play a part as we become more isolated - families disperse and move around more as they seek work or better opportunities for their children. Communities change as part of this migration of people. If I compare the family and community support that was all around me to the community I now live in it's a world apart. And for me the main thing that's been lost is the feeling of belonging and those everyday good mornings and chats.
Coupled with this we have the technological advances which often leads to people viewing the world through the lens of their mobile or communicating through Social media or emails -and we are bombarded by information every waking hour unless we turn them off!
Then we have pollution - do we really know how this is affecting us? Force fed Flouride in our water - we have no choice on that . Another endless list ...
So what can we do ? Well we can stop bombarding our brains with too much information- we can be selective about the time we give to the TV and the internet. If we go out and about we can stop to enjoy what we are doing and observe what's around us , rather than observing through a lens. We can learn to be kind to ourselves , take time to relax, time to pamper ourselves, take up a new hobby, challenge ourselves to do more of what we enjoy, meditate, listen to beautiful music, exercise more , talk to friends, make new friends , make bread - in fact do more of what you enjoy
Response from Loveoverall made on 25th May 2017 15:11:48
Alienation is loneliness. We live in the age of contactless. Contact free transactions. Both moneteraly and personally. Is it fear? Or obedience to this techno world that we deprive ourselves of togetherness
Jane Black
21st May 2017 00:25:18 (Last activity: 22nd May 2017 00:39:54)
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Treehugger1: I can only give you my opinion on this from what I have experienced and observed. I think a big part of our problem is we have moved too far from nature and the satisfaction of simple things in life. What people are led to believe will give them happiness are the material things in life and many people feel inadequate because they can't obtain stuff or are so convinced that it will make them happy they go out ethics to obtain these possessions; Whether it's stealing,,unethical business practices or feeling caught up in the trap of desire for possessions, it leads to unhappiness.
The other side is: how many honest people are working in a job they are not really happy in and for what reason. Most people will tell you it's to pay the mortgage (death grip) or rent, warmth and food. If they are working in a job they don't really enjoy to make money for someone else... well... that used to be called slavery.
There is also Education THAT ISN'T. To be educated in a subject one should know how to apply the subject and be successful in its application; not just be able to memorise facts (a system our current education prefers.) The youth of today owe a fortune to the banks for education in a subject they can't apply. Does that lead to happiness?
The final part of my rant is THE MEDIA. They only transmit bad news and they make it worse, to sensationalise they cause divisions in society and create fear and distrust does that lead to happiness?
Previously I have given you some suggestions that if followed I know will improve your well being. These suggestions are free I am not charging a penny for them and if you want some more I have plenty of other suggestions that will make anyone happy if followed.
If you really want to know what makes you unhappy then learn about the Reactive Mind and read Dianetics the modern science of mental health. Knowledge is power.
Response from ThePrimate made on 21st May 2017 10:19:19
I personally wouldn't read anything written by the leader of a cult. I think it is dangerous to promote an organisation that you work for on this site.
Response from Jane Black made on 21st May 2017 14:19:56
I feel I may have to clarify a few points here. Firstly I do not work for Dianetics. I have read the book and used the techniques in it on myself and others so I can speak from personal experience when I say it works. I have greatly benefitted from it which is why I recommend they read the book.
For a subject to be classed as a SCIENCE it has to go through scientific procedures. Which is basically. Observation, experiment, and measurement. With these steps, you come up with facts and results it can then classed as a true science.
With the rules on misleading advertising so strict do you honestly think that a book could be on sale for 67 years claiming to be science if it wasn't a science DIANETICS PRODUCES BENEFICIAL RESULTS THAT CAN BE REPEATED, Of course, there are those that would have you believe that the mind is too difficult to understand. There are a lot of people that make money out of mental health Pharmaceutical companies etc., don't want Dianetics to succeed and this is the real reason Dianetics has been suppressed these companies also control the media. If you want an unbiased opinion on the subject of Dianetics I suggest you read it for yourselves and make up your own mind it is obtainable from the library so you don't even have to buy it. INSANITY CAN BE ERADICATED.
Definition of cult: A group of people who share religious or spiritual beliefs. This is the definition that fits the people I work for. there are other definitions for the word cult and one includes the word unorthodox. I would say that the fact we believe you are a spiritual being but HOW, IF and WHO you care to worship is completely up to you. The nearest thing we have to a bible is a dictionary I suppose that does make us a bit unorthodox but in the nicest possible way.
Could you also clarify for me why is it dangerous for me to promote something that is beneficial? I can also recommend white vinegar for removing mold and killing damp spores, Cider vinegar and Bicarbonate of Soda for prevention of cancer and Turmeric for arthritis. These do not make money for major pharmaceutical so their efficacy will not be promoted.
Wake up you are being manipulated and lied to but it's not from me.
Response from ThePrimate made on 21st May 2017 15:31:41
You stated you work for (the Church of) Scientology - I didn't say you worked for Dianetics but;
Dianetics (from Greek dia, meaning "through", and nous, meaning "mind") is a set of ideas and practices regarding the metaphysical relationship between the mind and body created by L. Ron Hubbard; Dianetics is practiced by followers of Scientology and independent Dianeticist groups.

We will never agree on this so I'm just going to leave those links there and let others make what they want of your posts. It's a free country let people make their own decisions about what is posted.
Response from Jane Black made on 21st May 2017 20:54:57
We can agree to disagree but I feel the need to clarify the word metaphysics for those that do not understand. It's easier if you separate the word meta = beyond and physics = relating to the natural science. So metaphysics is another word for something beyond natural science. For example, why does a person feel guilty, sad or happy those are metaphysical concepts but they do have a bearing on the bodies well being. I think most people would now agree that stress causes illness. Stress is metaphysical it impinges on the body and Dianetics explains why.
Response from Treehugger1 Original Poster made on 21st May 2017 21:33:54
I absolutely agree that there is an intrinsic link between the body and mind so find myself agreeing (with my heels firmly dug in the ground haha) with you Jane but I have never nor intend to study dianetics.

I also agree with you about the need for more contact with nature and the natural world in order for some relief for more minor mental health problems. However, there are many more major conditions which are consistently shown to respond only to medication and those who are afflicted by these illnesses relapse sadly back into appalling states when they stop taking medication.
E.g., I had a friend who had schizophrenia who was able to manage life well when taking her medication but when she stopped, as most schizophrenics do at one point or another because they understandably dislike the feeling of not being in control of themselves or their emotions, and no amount of nature or natural living enabled her to avoid relapsing, so it is not a cure all for everyone.
Unfortunately for some people medication is the only option to help them to live in the community and without it they would probably be unable to enjoy any sort of normality (sorry, I loathe that word, but it fits here)
Response from Jane Black made on 21st May 2017 22:26:29
I speak from personal experience when I talk about stress and mental health. for more than 20 years I would wake up most nights crying with my ever faithful dog Winnie (when she was alive) waking me by licking the tears off my face. I went to bed happy and woke miserable not knowing the reason for my distress. and struggling to shake the feeling of melancholia off. (the Doctors label) I would shake myself out of this feeling by getting busy. I sort help and was offered drugs. I turned the drugs down and was offered physiotherapy. After a fifteen minute consultation I was told to take the drugs, again I refused. I continued with my life in the same vein until I was lucky enough to meet gentlemen who with a Dianetic technique got to the root of why I was crying at night. with Dianetics, In 10 minutes he discovered the root of my anguish and found that I was still grieving over a break-up of a relationship.
Dianetics is probably to simple to be readily accepted and until you have tried it for yourself do not pass a judgment on it. I have never seen psychotropic drugs cure anyone and when I do I will change my opinion on them.
Response from Treehugger1 Original Poster made on 21st May 2017 23:13:34
And that is your right of course. I am pleased that you have found relief from your distress but please don't accuse me of passing judgement on anyone or anything; I am simply stating my beliefs, as you have stated yours.
Response from Jane Black made on 21st May 2017 23:53:24
Treehugger I am trying to understand where you are coming from. Forgive me for accusing you of passing judgment. If you had read the book then you would be in the position to pass a judgment on it but you say you haven't, nor do you intend to; so you are quite correct you cannot judge. Are you by chance going on another person's opinion of the book. to have such a determined attitude regarding not reading it.
You say your friend came off the drugs because she was not in control of her emotions. I presume from that statement that she wished to be. Drugs only suppress emotions and it's a chemical addiction (withdrawal from the drug ) that can make the body go into muscular contractions and slickness that is the only reason a person goes back on the drug again, because of the discomfort of withdrawal ask anyone who is on withdrawal.
If you would but read a book you would understand and be able to actually really understand your friend's mental condition. You don't even have to read a book there are also DVD's on the subject.
Response from Treehugger1 Original Poster made on 22nd May 2017 00:39:54
The reason that schizophrenics start taking their medication again is not because of the discomfort of withdrawal but because they become incapable of functioning. Their symptoms include delusions, hearing voices and they often become a danger to themselves or others.
Perhaps you would like to read a book about this one specific mental health problem which necessitates medical intervention rather than generalising about all mental health issues which can't all be lumped together under the same heading and need different treatments, if any are needed. Incidentally, talking therapies are becoming more popular than pharmaceutical therapies nowadays which is perhaps where your own successful recovery began when you spoke to that gentleman.
20th May 2017 08:35:32 (Last activity: 21st May 2017 01:05:54)
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We do have a laughing clinic in Britain ------- It is called parliment
Response from Jane Black made on 21st May 2017 01:05:54
If you have read Alice in Wonderland you may remember the bit about the caucus race. Where they all start and stop when they like and run around in any direction. Caucus is a name for those elected to power so it's not just in this era that those in power are comedians and don't get anything done. I think people should ignore those supposedly in power and just get on with things. I haven't voted in years for the simple reason there isn't a box that says "none of the above"
Jane Black
19th May 2017 23:15:43 (Last activity: 20th May 2017 17:34:04)
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Mental ill health is usually caused by unhappiness. There are lots of labels for the invented diseases that the Psychiatric Diagnostic Manual has included over the years and psychs will admit themselves they have no idea what causes them. All sorts of thing can make you unhappy but one thing you can be absolutely certain of; taking psychotropic drugs prescribed be your Dr. or a Psychiatrist is DEFINITELY NOT GOING TO MAKE YOU HAPPY. Neither is a prefrontal lobotomy or electric shock treatment. These drugs serve two purposes they can turn a person into a suicidal zombie and they make big pharmaceutical companies. a lot of money.
Here are some tips for anyone out there feeling down at the moment:
Do not watch or listen to the news or read newspapers for the next two weeks believe me you will feel happier. Do some creative or something to help yourself or another. Take a walk and observe things around you. Talk to a friend, do something you like doing. This one is one of my favourites and when done properly is very effective. LAUGHTER. Make yourself start to laugh it may seem strange and awkward at first. Fake the laugh if you have to and don't worry if someone else can hear you, it is infectious and they will start to laugh too. If you are not laughing freely and somewhat happier you haven't done it long enough.
If you don't follow my advice for happiness I can only presume you enjoy being unhappy and it is serving you well.
Flourish and Prosper Jane
Response from Treehugger1 Original Poster made on 20th May 2017 17:34:04
What you suggest makes a lot of sense for people who are 'down in the dumps' or feeling a bit fed up Jane, but what I wrote in the OP was regarding more serious issues; the huge rise in self harm of all sorts, suicides, the sort of depression and mental illness that prevents any sort of normal functioning
I'm still wondering what is causing this and why it's on the increase.
15th May 2017 08:52:52
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One of the reasons, in my opinion is PC, we are not allowed to express our own honest opinions in case we upset someone , but there are many other modern reasons.

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