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UFO's and Extraterrestrial life

Not sure if any of you believe in this mumbo-jumbo, but the other night I suddenly woke up in my garden at 2am, how I got there I will never know. I went back inside and looked into the hall mirror - something didn't look right - my eyes had a far away look and there was a strange red mark on each of my temples. I decided to examine the rest of my body. I was horrified to find large red, bruise like, marks directly over my major organs. There was no pain but they felt warm and, as I touched them I felt a strange sense of connection with the universe. It's dark now and I'm scanning the sky for signs of super intelligent life and if they are 'out there' I hope they come back and take me with them. Will I need my passport do you think, and should I pack a bag, just in case?

Created By on 21/11/2015

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4th Dec 2015 04:47:34
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This might sound outrageous to you but what has happened to you has happened to so many others. Your willingness to have them return are not that of those who have been thru advanced visitation. Friendly at first, or so they seem. When the memory returns you are horrified. If a session lasts and you regain knowledge of it. You feel helpless, used, abused. There is no safe word. Even if you are a pleasure of pain, this is not what you are looking for. They know what you are and they give you the opposite. There is a a sorrowful way of acceptance or a way to fight back, that is your decision. As you already know.
31st Jan 2016 16:46:00
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"Uncertainty is the only certainty there is , and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security"
John Allen Paulos
23rd Jan 2016 11:56:20
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hello celtwitch I am new here I joined last week, not sure about the rules here if I am allowed to give out other foums re ufo s so I will just say that I totally believe what you are saying, I myself have had many strange encounters which is why I researched this over the past couple of years, sure there are a lot of crazy folk out there but there are many genuine people too, I have seen a lot of genuine footage on said forum some astonishing things, on the other hand there are other things you may or may not agree with, however its always good to have people around with information and knowledge, so if you would like to know more perhaps you could email me or if it is allowed (perhaps I will ask) then I will give the details, on a lighter trend of thought I am looking forward to chatting with the people here everyone seems so very nice, I still really haven't felt my way around yet I see it was November you posted this so hope you receive my reply.
4th Dec 2015 09:35:03
Thanks for voting!
Sounds very strange and why did they pick you?

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