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Yet another new arrival

Just joined and not really sure what I`m hoping to get from this, so here goes....... I`m a 67 year old female living in South Wales. Retired now and filling my time with going to the gym, teaching myself spanish and some voluntary stuff.

Was doing quite a bit of solo travelling but, since Covid, have found it hard to get "back out there". The idea of being in close proximity with the great multitudes is sort of doing my head in. I was hoping the virus had gone away but three of my friends have had it in recent months. I seem to have turned into a complete wimp!

Anyway. looking forward to saying hi to any friendly souls out there. And joining in some heated debates?

Created By on 01/08/2023

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31st Aug 2023 14:33:08
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Hi Scruffles

Have just joined the site and I'm finding it a little confusing. I'm across the water from you in Exmoor - I'll wave so look out for me 🙂

Just wondered how you're finding it. Did you get many responses to your message?

I'm 62, retired 4 years ago and went travelling. Now settled in a village where I don't know a soul but I'm volunteering for a couple of charities - Re-engage and Abbeyfield - who support older people in the community less active and able. I love walking but my husband is less active than me so I'm hoping to join a ramblers group too.

Would be good to hear your experience with Silversurfers so far?

Response from Scruffles Original Poster made on 1st Sep 2023 11:19:39
Hello, Kisekka Mary, I`m waving back, look!
I haven`t had much out of this site but, as with so many things in life, I think you get out what you put in and I haven`t made that much effort to interact.
There are a lot of people on here looking for a travel companion, but, to be honest, I`d far rather travel alone than be stuck with someone with whom I may or may not get on..
I`m sure you`ll make plenty of new friends through your charity work and rambling club (if you find one)
I fear that the various lockdowns during Covid have turned me into Mrs Misanthrope!
Hey ho......
18 hours ago
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I have recently joined up. My name is John and I live near Southampton. Married with one daughter and two granddaughters.
11th Feb 2024 00:35:37
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I joined a while ago but never posted as I found it a bit tricky so giving it another go now
9th Dec 2023 20:02:02
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Well here's a HI to start you off ...
1st Aug 2023 18:44:21 (Last activity: 2nd Sep 2023 12:28:41)
Thanks for voting!
Hi Scruffles, just a quick hallo, hope that you manage to find plenty of people to
chat with, and maybe someone to revive your travel instinct again. I have done a
lot of independent travelling, and last October I did my 12th trip to Cape Town, I
love to go to East and Southern Africa, especially in our winter months as I am not
a fan of the cold. I started doing overland trips on a truck with like minded folk,
after I had a triple heart bypass in 2001, and have done 5 trips, if you look up a site
called Absolute Africa on Google you can read about this form of travel, it is not
for everyone as it involves camping, but the sights and smells of Africa make it a
real treat.
Anyway my name is Terry, I am a fit 75 year old, living in Wigan, having just moved
up here from Southampton, I am half Welsh, as my late father was born in a small
village near Swansea, and I am here if you want to chat, as you can see I love to
chat, take care, and good luck on this site, all best wishes, Terry.
Response from Scruffles Original Poster made on 2nd Aug 2023 14:41:03
Hi Terry, thanks for the reply. I`m only half welsh too as my dad was english.
Your idea of solo travelling is a lot braver than mine! My trips as a singleton have been a little more luxurious! Have you always travelled alone? I think it may be easier for men rather than women, or is that just a cop out?
Response from Terry48 made on 2nd Aug 2023 18:10:03 > @Scruffles
Hi Scruffles, ( funny title ) thank you for your kind reply, sometimes you get
one and another time nothing.
Yes you could say that the travel I have done with Absolute Africa is a bit
bolder than your average trip, but at least we go with about 25 of us on the
truck, so safety in numbers.
I am the oldest of 8 children, and left home to join the Army when I was 17
years old, and stayed in for 12 years, I think that was when I got the travel
bug, but did not do much for a good while after as I got a proper job and
tried to settle down, but after I had my heart attack in 2001 I got kick
started into travelling again, and have not looked back since, having said
that, I will not be doing any more overland trips as my travel insurance is
way too much for a long trip, so may have to stick to Europe where there
are some beautiful countries to visit, so have not given up hope.
You are right about it being easier for a man to do solo travel, but I have
stayed in many backpackers hostels where lots of young women have
been staying, they are mostly in their 20s or 30s so not at the age of us
older folk.
Well I did say that I like to chat so you have been warned, still it was nice
to get a reply, so I will be here if you want to chat more, until then, have a
good evening, and keep well, all best wishes, Terry.
Response from KisekkaMary made on 31st Aug 2023 14:39:47 > @Terry48
Hi Terry

I've just joined the site but really interested to hear more about your travels in South and East Africa. I know Uganda well - have been visiting for over 10 years and have a small family project close to Fort Portal. What other East African countries have you visited and where would you recommend? I'm thinking of travelling on land from Kampala to Nairobi then taking a flight to Zanibar where I've heard the beaches are beautiful.

Have you been a member of this site long?

Response from Terry48 made on 2nd Sep 2023 12:28:41 > @KisekkaMary
Hi Mary, thank you for your message, yes I do love to travel in Africa, I do go on overland trips on a truck with up to 25 other people who I have never met before. We have a mixture of male and female travelers of all
ages from 20s to 70s and the trips are participating in as much as we do
cooking for the whole group, put up our own tents and help to keep the
truck clean and tidy, we split into groups of 3 so if there are 28 of us on
the truck we do the cooking once every 8 days.
The company I like travelling with is Absolute Africa ( you can look them
up on Google )
The Countries I have visited in East Africa are, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia
and Tanzania, then down to Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, and
finally to Namibia and South Africa.
We usually stay at a camp site at a place just outside Jinja, and again in
Kampala. then on to Kabale and Kisoro to visit the mountain Gorillas in
the Virunga mountains.
The beaches in the North of Zanzibar are very nice, and the Indian Ocean
is nice and warm. The place to go are Kendwa or Nungwe and the beach
restaurants are all along the beach with blackboards outside with menus
written on them, we used to split into groups of 5 so that we used all of
them at one time, so to spread the money equally.
Well I think that I have waffled on too much, so I will leave you in peace,
happy travels, all best wishes, Terry.

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