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Pen pals

I have been pen palling for a while now does anyone else do this and is there somewhere on the site for this? It would be nice to write to people on here if they were interested.

Created By on 20/02/2014

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Megan peg
2nd Jul 2018 21:47:54
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My name is Megan I live in the usa looking for females to email with. I like reading movies cooking email with pen pals texting and coloring. I have no kids do have a dog and cat. Hope to hear from you soon. [email protected]
21st Jun 2018 16:24:39
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Would like to hear from females aged 50 to 60 for pen pals and friendship.i live in Kent.i like a good laugh.
16th Jun 2018 10:17:45
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It would be good to have some on-line pals. To have a laugh and get to know.
31st Mar 2018 22:39:14
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I would like to start writing/emailing someone. Preferably over 55 and female.
I retired from the military 13 years ago. I have been for single 10 years.
It would be nice to have someone to chat with.
23rd Sep 2016 15:44:06 (Last activity: 2nd Nov 2017 19:35:49)
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My name is Vasu and am interested in Pen palling which I have been doing nonstop since the age of 9. Yes I would like to have pen pals in this site. If interested please send me a message and Iwe will go from there. Thanks for reading this short note.
Response from britishtea made on 2nd Nov 2017 19:35:49
Love to pen pal
2nd Nov 2017 15:56:54
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I would like to write to people as a pen friend, i am a wheelchair user have done lots of charity work and i now knit for a charity (baby things etc)
I live in Wales and i am very independent person and i love life, i like music, computers, politics and the world, and i have lots of hobbies, so if there is any body with lots of interest that they would like to write to i would love to hear from you.
Georgie Girl
9th Jan 2017 19:20:55
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This post made me think of just how awful it would be to lose our sight, we could not even pop by SilverSurfers and have a general chat, join in conversations etc., never mind being able to enjoy sitting down and writing an actual letter or see a envelope drop in the letter box and read it over and over with a cuppa tea and biccy.
I have glaucoma and terrified that I may be in this category one day, the thought is just too terrifying to contemplate, I suffer from deep down loneliness now, I hope there are things out there for the blind, talking chat rooms or such like, maybe SS can research this and be the first to introduce such things, or suitable forum posts with specifically LARGE PRINT.
What do you think SS??
meeka Original Poster
9th Jan 2017 15:54:46
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I tried some of those sites and as you mentioned they are full of scammer. That's why I thought on here would be good as you are going to get genuine people who actually want to write
11th Aug 2015 18:26:23 (Last activity: 23rd Sep 2016 15:55:32)
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I would love to get connected with some pen pals. I love to hear others interest and their activities. If interested [email protected]
Response from Kathleen 75 made on 15th Sep 2015 23:54:29
I love writing letters and emails yes it is great fun learning about other people isn't it
Response from Vasu made on 23rd Sep 2016 15:55:32
Hello Skies, are you still interested in Pen palling? My name is Vasu and am a male from USA and would be glad to write to you if interested. Kindly let me know if it is ok with you. Kind regards.
1st Jun 2016 04:21:33 (Last activity: 19th Sep 2016 12:39:13)
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Interpals is a big site and its free.Beware of scammers though.There are some genuine people there.
Response from beneDictus made on 19th Sep 2016 12:39:13
Yes. That`s true. There is also the one called ''Global Penpals'', which is reputed to be quite good, and relatively free from scammers, although, i don`t think that there is any pen pal site which could claim to be 100 % scammer free. One just has to use some discernment. And, it`s surprisingly easy to do that, after a little practice.
19th Mar 2016 10:32:05 (Last activity: 7th Jul 2016 09:38:12)
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I tried a couple of online pen pal sites, what a mistake that was. Scammers and messages from ladies proclaiming their love for me in the first sentence when what they really meant was they'd love to have a UK visa.
Response from Andy56 made on 7th Jul 2016 09:38:12
I still keep trying them but it's 99% the same thing, offers of untold riches if I help transfer money or declarations of love from women who can't wait to get to the UK to see me.
13th Feb 2016 10:01:20 (Last activity: 16th May 2016 18:51:32)
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Response from EmeraldCity made on 16th May 2016 18:51:32
Love the word 'blether'. Haven't heard it since leaving N Ireland.
16th May 2016 16:54:05
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When I was around 12yrs old I remember visiting Whitby with the school and I picked up a bottle on the beach with a message inside it was a girls name and her address somewhere in Wales. I wrote her and we passed messages for about 3yrs. Me being in a kind of boarding school it was a nice past time. Anyways when I eventually left school I just stopped writing her. I often wonder why I never kept it up and if the school had a pile of letters waiting for me to collect. Alas the school is no more and I out grew the pen pal writing and found football and bikes and
But I remember it was great at the time, good luck to all you pp's out there I hope you find great companionship resulting from your pen's.
13th May 2016 13:37:49
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Have you heard of It is a site for sending and receiving postcards to and from strangers all over the world. It is not something I have done myself but I have a friend who does this. She loves to receive the postcards with messages from strangers
meeka Original Poster
13th May 2016 12:20:37
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I love it when a real letter drops through the door. I understand lots of people prefer email but think a lot of that may be down to cost maybe. I don't personally do emails as I prefer a real letter. I am on facebook penpal groups and its amazing how many people still write letters. Can't beat sitting down with a cuppa and reading a letter someone has taken the time to sit and write or type. For me email is not the same as a real letter.
9th Mar 2016 06:45:05
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I use to write "snail mail" to people in my teens and early adulthood, although i would still love to communicate with others via this method, it is not an option for me. I still work full time and look after my grandaughter in the evenings so my time is limited, so conversing through emails is better and quicker for me.

I did join the site to connect with people mainly because i don't have a social life due to the above commitments, so in saying that if anyone would like an online pen pal PM me and i will give you my email address, would be great to chat to new people.
3rd Mar 2016 15:01:21
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Hi Meeka, I am interested in pen friendship. I have been snailing to friends since the age of 9. I still have 6 friends in Europe; UK and Australia. All told I have had more than 400 penpals since the time I started writing to people.Most of my friends were much older than me and some have passed away. I have also visited some of them during this time. Vasu23,
2nd Feb 2016 02:07:40
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Hi, I would greatly enjoy receiving letters (e-mail or snail mail) from women in UK, Scotland, and Ireland. I'm from US.

[email protected]

Thank you!
23rd Jan 2016 19:29:26
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I've just been directed to this site today by a friend and I think penpal are an excellent way to get to know people and make new friends. You get to know folks from the inside out rather than making assumptions on a live meeting and missing out on making a good friend. I would be happy if anyone wanted to contact me to exchange news and find out more about towns interests etc. I live in Scotland... my email is [email protected]
Kathleen 75
15th Sep 2015 22:41:54 (Last activity: 20th Nov 2015 11:41:15)
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Meeka I have been pen palling for some time too and I do emailing and snail mail and it is realy interesting to hear from different people all over the world I do make it clear no religion no polatics as I have found you can get into heated discutions which can get nasty
Response from Ruball made on 20th Nov 2015 11:41:15
I'm with you there Kathleen. Cant we chat through this forum instead of exposing our email addresses?
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