I am sure I am not the only person who is fed up with being made to feel like a second ( or lower ) class citizen because I don't have or want a smart phone or similar device? I get texts from companies and institutions such as the NHS telling me to click on the attached link but as I don't have a smart phone I cannot do it. The phone numbers are frequently hidden so you cannot reply. As these companies do not want to answer time consuming telephone calls their phone numbers are frequently not displayed on their websites or letter headings. If you get through on the phone you are kept waiting for a long time to speak to someone. We are being encouraged to change to electric cars. The only public charging points I have seen you cannot use if you do not have a smart phone. I admit part of me is being obstinate. When I see the excessive profits made by Apple, Amazon, Google, Facebook etc I think 'They are not having my hard-earned pension' I'd better not mention my views on the BBC. I think they would be in favour of euthanasia for all people over 70.
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Is it just me, or am I missing something?? I have tried joining several groups~ (U3A, National Trust, RSPB, walking groups, etc, etc)~ and good though they all are in their own ways, I have made no "real "friends'. I am fairly sociable and outgoing and reasonable intelligent, so I Can communicate well ~BUT~ ~ The groups all meet at the appropriate times and places, the individual activities are participated in, the session ends, and we all go home! Try as I might, Nobody wants to pursue the "acquaintances"~ (I use that word rather than the word "friend")~ outside of these groups, even though I have suggested to some of the folks I Seem to get on with that we might meet outside the group for a coffee, or anything else. They all scuttle off like frightened rabbits and don't appear to want to take it any further. I have noticed that most of the folks seem to come in twos or threes, so already Know others with whom they have closer/longer friendships. One lady actually said, "~I don't need to make any more new friends, I have enough already". Think it just about sums it up! So ~ ~ this mythical idea that joining groups allay loneliness to me seems the exact Opposite! I feel more lonely and isolated at the end of the sessions than before I went in! It's "goodbye, see you next month", and everyone is gone! Any suggestions? Does anyone have similar experiences??
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I have six grandchildren who no longer live at home with their parents and I very rarely receive a Thank You. It is so easy these days. They could easily pick up the telephone or send an email. I feel like just sending a card. Do other grandparents always receive a Thank You?
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Over a number of years there has and even more lately been endless adverts asking for money, from children through to animals and onto water and so on. Of course there are many reasons to give money but are we the only ones in England constantly being asked to give money even for other countries through out the world , even in disasters, I too willingly send money to the British Red Cross who do a marvellous job, where I know my donation will get to the most needy of people. But my main concern is why doesn't the governments of some of these countries try and help their own people instead of people here in England constantly being bombarded with begging adverts, what are your views regarding TV begging adverts, and at tea time too?
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Sometimes there is friction between family members, and misunderstandings can so easily occur … is there anything troubling you within your family at the moment?
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Since my next door neighbour had an extension built finished in 2016 , built by European Builders, we have sewerage and flooding in our back garden. Which we only found out about last year when I had flood water tested by a Laboratory. We live in social housing are pensioners, now found out my Husband has a virus eating into his lungs, called Aspergilus. Caused from spores from Mold. Very ill. Not only this happens, but the builders move her dividing fence into our garden by 18 inches, theft of housing assoc land, they also took away our downpipe and filled our drain with cement.now I have been in touch with various council depts. and through diligence found that they are all covering something up or their rear ends. Thames Water done camera and video work whereby you can see sewer pipes altered drastically, owner would not let into check their pipes,, Wha or how should I move forward with this problem as a tenant who has not had use of garden for a year, on orders from Hubbys Consultant. We need some guidance now please.
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Am I the only one to be sick to death of charity begging, especially the shock type. As a result I give nothing
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Hi At the present moment in time, my wife is on a committee fundraising for Cancer UK, and what she does apart from all the events she is involved with raising funds for Cancer UK is to organise day trips by coach to various places of interest like Trust House /Shows up in London, all of which generates a wee profit for Cancer UK. The committee that she is on are disbanding at the end of this year, and all monies in the bank account under the name of Cancer UK will be transferred to Cancer UK, At this moment in time 2 signatures are required to release payments, but there is no problem with all that everything is fine. This is the problem that l have - my wife wants to carry on with the trips that she organises and she informs me that people going on such trips will instead pay her directly into her own bank account and she, in turn, will pay all the outgoings and all profits from said trips from her own personal bank account paid to Cancer UK. Now that l have outlined the situation surely there are some legal technicalities that must be adhered to like insurance and separate banking, not her bank account, l have tried to point out these things but she refuses to listen. Surely there are members out there who could put me straight on any of this. Thank you for reading this await your replies.
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Does this phrase make your blood boil? Does anyone else think that this is trotted out to avoid responsibility? I have been waiting with dread for this to be said in the Letsby saga. The banking crisis, Covid, Paedophile ring debacle, soft on drugs, knife crime. The list of incompetence and/or intransigence where this phrase has been used is endless. The sometimes obscenely paid bosses at the head of our biggest companies and services, should, and must, be held accountable for their actions and take responsibility for their decisions. This should be criminal and civil. They can no longer be allowed to just walk away from their disasters, sometimes with a golden handshake. This includes institutions deemed too big to be allowed to fail.
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I thought that when I saw on TripAdvisor that a tourist had complained that Ben Nevis was too high and there was no McDonalds at the top, I had heard the most stupid and ill-educated comment ever, but I was wrong. A trans lobbyist came out with the following: I misquote with apologies " a vagina is a bonus hole". I have never heard anything so offensive or stupid. A handful of years ago, no one had heard of "transphobic"; it became a label to hang on anyone who didn't support their views. They are in danger of this becoming a self-fulfilling prophecy. With all due respect to those in the process of changing gender, these activists are not equality/inclusion warriors, they are misogynistic social terrorists. The road toward female equality has been long and painful and is nowhere near finished. These vile attacks on women, particularly those who try to talk sense, set the cause back immensely. When will we wake up and challenge these indecent minority views? We cannot deny their right to express their views but we MUST stop them having undue influence in our major industries, our government and our education establishments or cheating in sports. Why are people so afraid to refuse to be assigned or use made-up pronouns or to be forced to change our language to suit the whims of a tiny minority? What's next? Burn all books that say that only men have penisies? Our generation can remember where that censorship led.
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