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Do you think Camilla should be crowned queen?

As the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall celebrate their 10th wedding anniversary today, has Camilla won us all over with her style, substance and support?

Ten years ago 7% of the British public thought Camilla should be queen. In a similar poll 10 years later 50% of those polled said they now think Camilla should be queen when Prince Charles comes to the throne.

The past decade has seen perceptions of the former Camilla Parker Bowles transformed to a valued member of the royal “firm” whom half the nation would accept as queen.

It would appear that Prince Charles would like her to be crowned with him by his side and also that Prince William and Prince Harry have accepted her role.

What are your views? Has Camilla won over your heart?

Created By on 23/06/2015

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5th Apr 2023 11:26:07
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I’m absolutely horrified and totally agree. Camilla will never be my Queen. I could just about cope with Consort but Charles has gone against our late Queen’s wishes.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 5th Apr 2023 12:12:46
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20th Oct 2023 00:16:49
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She married the King so whats the argument
15th Sep 2023 09:15:53 (Last activity: 16th Sep 2023 17:26:49)
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Fortunately longevity appear to run in the family...
Response from jeanmark made on 15th Sep 2023 13:10:12
Well, the late Queen believed strongly in homeopathy and followed it all of her life, it has been keeping members of the royal family well for generations and King Charles continues with this tradition, he is a strong supporter of homeopathy, among other natural health therapies. Many people have access to good healthcare, not just royals.

Genetic Engineering is a reasonable new area exploring diseases and how genes can be be manipulated to help prevent or modify certain diseases, but the risks as well as the benefits to its use have to be acknowledged because of the risk off unintended outcomes.
Response from jeanmark made on 15th Sep 2023 14:43:04
The Queen herself let it be known that she followed homeopathy and other natural remedies but that doe not mean she had no interest in or refused intervention from modern medicine when needed.

I heard Charles himself state he talked to trees and to his plants when he was being interviewed many year ago, most serious gardeners I know do. The fact the news media choose to ridiculed him said more about them than him and too many people like to be critical of things they them self either do not understand or dislike.

I am a strong supporter of our Royals and know they have brought a great deal to this country and I also have a great respect for King Charles, at least he cares for the the people despite his hands being tied and which is more than can be said for this present government with a Prime Minster who is richer than the King!
Response from jeanmark made on 16th Sep 2023 17:26:49
I just find it amusing that there are people who appear angered at the wealth of royals, much of which is inherited, but are happy to accept any inheritance they get.

As to speeches etc. now he is King he has to rein in what he would possible of said previously. However he is head of the Commonwealth but that is more an important symbolic and unifying role.
15th Sep 2023 13:16:48 (Last activity: 16th Sep 2023 10:55:34)
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Response from jeanmark made on 15th Sep 2023 14:19:36
Dannyriver, you know what they say "There are lies, damned lies and statistics". I don't think the arguments put forward in the majority of this conversation are based on statistics, rather what appears to be peoples apparent hate and anger for a woman they do not know, but are ready to condemn anyway. Much of what has ben written does not come over as being good Christians, as Paul states in Ephesians 4:32 God forgives and we are acting like him when we forgive....
Response from jeanmark made on 16th Sep 2023 10:55:34
I was raised with the Christian bible and never studied Theology, I thus have no reference from which to debate differences. Each religion/faith follows what they believe is right regardless of what others believe therefore, can any be considered right or wrong.

Arguing and questioning the right of King Charles marrying the woman he always loved and making her his Queen really doesn't have an effect on my daily life. I just object to comments that are made against someone without real knowledge of facts.
5th Apr 2023 23:28:19 (Last activity: 7th Aug 2023 16:05:42)
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I am so glad that King Charles has made the decision to acknowledge the support he has from his wife and the good she has done. It is the right ad proper thing to do.
Response from CaroleAH made on 7th Apr 2023 12:43:49
I couldn't agree more, JeanMark. If Charles had been allowed to marry Camilla, as he wanted to, then all these dreadful comments about him and his much-loved wife would not be occurring.
Response from jeanmark made on 7th Apr 2023 15:22:31 > @CaroleAH
I have no idea why people think the way they do. I am sure many do not have intimate knowledge of King Charle’s private life and possibly rely on the media, including one sided interviews, to make their dreadful comments.
Response from sophie0910 made on 26th Apr 2023 20:24:42 > @jeanmark
Not dreadful comments, Diana was a child when she entered that entered that marriage.
If he didnt want to Marry he should have grown a pair and said No and followed in the steps of his uncle then we would still have a monarchy to be admired instead of the joke its turned into
Response from jeanmark made on 27th Apr 2023 13:02:55 > @sophie0910
Sophie910. I don’t consider a 20 year old as a child, even legally they are classed as adults. Diana first met Charles when she was 16 and he was dating her sister. She also grew up on the Sandringham Estate so was aware of the Royal Family. Charles’s had to find a wife and Diana was wiling to becoming that person. The fact the marriage failed was probably more to do with different outlooks. Charles’s was a friend of Camila’s family, and is even Godfather to one of her children. They did not start their affair until the marriage was actually over in all but name, Diana had already had an affair. The breakdown of the their marriage was as tragedy but only Charles appears to be seen as the villain whilst Diana has been placed on a pedestal. I met Diana twice and found her a charming and warm person, but that was the Princess, I have no idea what the woman or the wife was like.
Response from sophie0910 made on 27th Apr 2023 15:18:23 > @jeanmark
glad youve got such insight into the marriage and believe Charles was not carrying on with Camilla while married to Diana
I believe 20 she was a very young and she was used by Charles
King Charles never in my eyes
Camilla may well be a nice woman, but definitely not a Queen
Response from jeanmark made on 27th Apr 2023 17:42:06 > @sophie0910
Sophie910. I still believe 20 is not a child, she was an adult employed in a responsible post, certainly not suitable for a child even though it was in a Kindergarten. Charles certainly maintained his friendship with Camilla, which is why he is Godfather to one of her children. I agree he was still married when the affair started but so was Diana. As to being use, they probably used each other, she was not an innocent vulnerable young girl in her teens, she was a mother of two and a very good mother.

I am glad he is King, he will be devoted his role as was his mother.
Response from sophie0910 made on 27th Apr 2023 19:26:58 > @jeanmark
yes Diana was in a job but it was her first relationship a pure lady who was used by Charles to produce an heir
have your beliefs and I will have mine
Charles isn't worthy of the title king and I like many more will certainly not look up to or respect unlike his mother our late Queen
Response from jeanmark made on 27th Apr 2023 21:49:05 > @sophie0910
I have no idea if it was Diana’s first relationship, I would be surprised if she had reached that age with never having been on a date before she entered into a relationship with Charles. Yes, he need to produce a heir, but she wanted to be a mother, so how was she being used. We obviously differ on our perception of King Charles, but I tend not to judge people,when I do not know the full circumstances of their lives, I don;t feel Charles has been King long enough to make comments about his suitability for the role and whether he will be as successful as his mother, but will certainly not have the ;length of time she had to develop.the role.
Response from sophie0910 made on 28th Apr 2023 21:05:48 > @jeanmark
something to be thankful for then
Response from jeanmark made on 29th Apr 2023 18:33:55 > @sophie0910
It is difficult to judge someone when they have been in such an important position for a relatively short time.
Response from Pineapplechristmas made on 30th Apr 2023 03:14:16 > @jeanmark
Do you have an intimate knowledge of King Charles private life?
Response from jeanmark made on 30th Apr 2023 14:46:15 > @Pineapplechristmas
Why do you ask?
Response from IreneH10 made on 2nd May 2023 03:27:54 > @jeanmark
Are you kidding me charles was meeting with camilla on the eve of his wedding camilla was hovering in the wings long before the wedding and she was there during the marriage like a praying mantis waiting to pounce she should have left well alone and consent rated on her own marriage
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 2nd May 2023 07:50:32 > @IreneH10
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Response from jeanmark made on 2nd May 2023 18:06:35 > @IreneH10
IreneH20, I gave seen no sound evidence that Charles and Camilla met on the eve of his wedding to Diana, It s believed that Camilla stepped back once it was announced he would marry Diana, they did they remained friends and he is Godfather to one of her children..There was an irrevocable breakdown of the marriage before he started an affair with Camilla and it is said that Dana had an affair before this Charles.
Response from sophie0910 made on 2nd May 2023 19:10:40 > @jeanmark
quite a lot was said about Diana because they wanted the public to turn against her
Response from jeanmark made on 2nd May 2023 22:40:50 > @sophie0910
And there are those that want to ensure that Charles is seen as the villain by distorting truth.They appear to have been successful.
Response from Flowerpat made on 3rd May 2023 10:17:38 > @jeanmark
In my case It's because of things he himself has said.
When asked about persistent adultery with Camilla he replied the Mrs Parker-Bowles was just a great friend along with many other friends.
Who can forget his 'whatever in love means' with his 19 Yr old bride to be standing right next to him
Response from Flowerpat made on 3rd May 2023 10:18:37 > @CaroleAH
Except she loved Andrew Parker-Bowles and that's why she married him.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 3rd May 2023 13:16:48 > @Flowerpat
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Response from sophie0910 made on 4th May 2023 17:30:44 > @jeanmark
They certainly have been successful it seems most people dont want Charles King and Camillion Queen and they will never be accepted by the British people.
The beautiful Diana will always be queen of hearts and thank god the majority have not forgotten her for the wonderful person and mother that she was
Response from jeanmark made on 4th May 2023 18:28:02 > @sophie0910
I agree Diana was the `Princess everyone loved and was certainly a good mother. But did we see the actual woman or wife to truly be able to put her on a pedestal and demonise Charles. I have no idea of what she was like in private and as a wife.
Response from Christabellebgbgt made on 4th May 2023 21:20:07 > @sophie0910
Totally agree. Well said man
Response from Christabellebgbgt made on 4th May 2023 21:21:35 > @IreneH10
Excellent. Totally agreed
Response from Christabellebgbgt made on 4th May 2023 21:23:41 > @sophie0910
Too true. Don’t want them as king and queen. Waiting for William and Kate
Response from Uglynewqueen made on 5th May 2023 11:49:02 > @CaroleAH
She dumped him in the first place and married someone else
Response from jeanmark made on 5th May 2023 14:18:08 > @Uglynewqueen
Actually the Queen refused permission for their marriage, Charles was 22 when they first met, Camilla certainly didn’t dump him. the Queen did not approve of the union at that time an thereof both had to take different paths. Diana was of the aristocracy and therefore considered suitable.
Response from Paula D made on 6th May 2023 20:32:29 > @sophie0910
Totally agree well said
Response from sophie0910 made on 6th May 2023 20:51:36 > @Flowerpat
well said people have very short memories .
hes not King material roll on William with queen Kate quicker the better
Response from sophie0910 made on 6th May 2023 20:58:11 > @jeanmark
I dare say a lot of people who have to put up with a liar and a cheat for a husband wouldn't sit quiet and put up with it like Diana.
And most of the public do seem to be against the King and Camillion that have been crowned
Response from Paula D made on 7th May 2023 09:18:47 > @sophie0910
I totally agree
Response from Paula D made on 7th May 2023 09:20:01 > @jeanmark
If you believe that you will believe anything
Response from Paula D made on 7th May 2023 09:20:53 > @sophie0910
Well said
Response from jeanmark made on 8th May 2023 13:56:08 > @Paula D
PaulaD, which comment do you believe shows that I am misguided and why assume I am.
Response from CaroleAH made on 9th May 2023 01:26:59 > @sophie0910
Diana was far too young and naive to marry Charles but if the media is correct she had at least seven lovers during the course of her marriage and was extremely manipulative. Yes, she developed into a beautiful woman and was, without doubt, a wonderful mother but she certainly wasn't the innocent young person she is portrayed as.
Response from jeanmark made on 9th May 2023 13:07:11 > @CaroleAH
I so agree CaroleAH.
Response from JanM17 made on 15th May 2023 12:40:12 > @jeanmark
I thought Charles , and Camilla spent the night before his wedding together , on the Royal train .
Response from jeanmark made on 16th May 2023 16:13:25 > @JanM17
I have not seen or heard anything to indicate that happened, other than possibly those who want to sully their names.
Response from Ariadne made on 18th Jul 2023 10:26:06 > @IreneH10
And before ,from patting Polo ponies to parties ,His aim in life was to marry a clean ,untouched woman , for the sake of producing pure heirs . Camilla did NOT fill that bill,
but was there to "play with "
Response from jeanmark made on 18th Jul 2023 13:33:34 > @Ariadne
Yes, she and Charles were intimate during their time together, as a result it then precluded her as a future Queen. Even by 1970’s standards that appears a little outdated and cruel. As a result Charles was then ‘forced’ to find a virgin and Diana stepped in as the woman he should marry, after all she had first met him when he was dating her sister and she had been raise in house on the Sandringham Estates plus she was also an aristocrat by birth!
Response from MartinE1 made on 6th Aug 2023 17:56:12 > @CaroleAH
There’s nothing complicated in any of this.

Queen Elizabeth II specified publicly that Camilla should be known as Queen Consort once Charles acceded to the throne. At no time did she waver from this.

Charles has throughout his life, ignored his mother, his subjects and advisors. Once again a little stamping of feet has been heard and he gets his own way again. But is it his way, or hers? Queen. Camilla?

His uncle and Mrs Simpson must be turning in their graves recalling what they were put through.

Is Charles so insecure he can’t make up his own mind? Every public event has Camilla in the picture even when she should not be.

And then there’s the complications of position and title should Charles die before she does. Now it starts to get really complicated and needs the input of a royal expert.
Response from jeanmark made on 7th Aug 2023 16:05:42 > @MartinE1
It never ceases to amaze me that so many people app[ear to think they know all the intimate details of members of the Royal Family, There will be no confusion when Charles dies, William is heir to the throne. The Queen Mother became Queen Elizabeth when her husband was crowned King George VII and on his death she became known as the Queen Mother, why think things will change.
7th Aug 2023 08:07:36
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No she will never be a queen to me .
Should have let William be the next king.
28th Jul 2023 00:18:12
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Do you know Camilla personally? if not.....i do not think any of this is a valid point.
Thank you.
2nd Jun 2023 08:41:04
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Charles and Camilla are adulterous and Charles broke one of the ten commandments every day of his marriage to Diana. I have no respect for either of them and how can the clergy reconcile aldulterous relationships with the teaching of the bible? Hypocritical to say the least!
15th May 2023 12:37:34
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Queen Consort as deemed by the Queen yes , but not Queen .
10th May 2023 06:40:33 (Last activity: 10th May 2023 21:53:24)
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The Queen set the plan in motion prior to her passing and deemed her worthy.
As one follow Silversurfer stated King Charles and Queen Camila are obviously devoted to each other therefore it made perfect sense.
It is a shame the King did not hold ground to marry her way back when, many things would have not occurred. With Queen Camilla being crowned, I do not understand why Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh was made the King.
Response from CaroleAH made on 10th May 2023 21:53:24
I think that 70 years ago when Queen Elizabeth was crowned it was always assumed that the man was head of the family and so if Prince Philip had been crowned King many would have thought that he was more important than Elizabeth.
I’m not sure that we have fully achieved equality (and is this mad PC world where there are 76 genders how will we ever know) but things have changed much for the better.
It was lovely to read your comments Scarlett3665 - such a refreshing change from some of the vitriolic and just plain nasty comments about our new King and Queen. I’m sure they will make a brilliant job of serving this country and the Commonwealth.
6th May 2023 10:24:49 (Last activity: 8th May 2023 15:34:08)
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NOT my Queen!! Definitely NOT and NEVER will be!!
Response from Paula D made on 7th May 2023 09:27:31
Well said if this went to a public vote the majority would definitely be against her being given the title if Queen. And to have a crown on her head is an absolute joke.. But people won't be given the opportunity to oppose this, so of course he has his own way,but if he thinks the majority of his people are behind him then he is greatly disillusioned
Response from sophie0910 made on 7th May 2023 20:21:02 > @Paula D
couldnt agree more
the money thats been spent trying to sell her to the british public and all cosmetic surgery to get rid of the horse face hasnt worked
Response from jeanmark made on 8th May 2023 15:34:08 > @Paula D
Interesting PaulaD, have you seen a wide survey to he]p you form your opinion?
13th Nov 2015 11:44:29 (Last activity: 7th May 2023 20:43:12)
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20 hours ago....the bloke should be strung for what he did to his beautiful wife with that horse look a like...will we ever accept herc NO NO NO
Response from sophie0910 made on 7th May 2023 20:43:12
too true
4th May 2023 18:19:47 (Last activity: 7th May 2023 20:35:09)
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Response from Christabellebgbgt made on 4th May 2023 21:29:10
Absolutely. Now our wonderful Queen has gone, William and Kate are the role models. Not who we’re having forced upon us. I’m not interested in the royal family anymore, there’s only a handful any good. Obviously William and Kate, Edward and Sophie, Anne and Zara. Forget the rest
Response from Uglynewqueen made on 5th May 2023 11:47:43 > @Christabellebgbgt
King Charles should do the right thing by abdicating like. King Edward VIII.
What kind of example is to make a mistress the queen of a nation?Disgracefull.
Response from Paula D made on 6th May 2023 20:11:08
I cannot believe the public have fell for this and allowed Camilla to be crowned Queen, its a absolute joke. She has spent thousands if not millions to promote her image in the press and on TV and people have fallen for this. What short memories people have got. Have they now forgotten the part she played in the downfall of beautiful Diana. ? This women should never have been crowned Queen NEVER
Response from Paula D made on 6th May 2023 20:23:03
You are so right there
Response from sophie0910 made on 7th May 2023 20:35:09 > @Paula D
my thoughts exactly if the Camillion had a decent bone in her body she would not want to be queen and just stay in the back ground as an hot water bottle keeping him warm
27th Jun 2015 21:36:51 (Last activity: 7th May 2023 20:18:03)
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I think she's very attractive.
Response from JohnHerb made on 13th Aug 2015 15:21:50
Yes quite for a lady in her 60s
Response from dogsx2 made on 25th Sep 2015 17:31:00
You need to go to Specsavers
Response from Boots made on 26th Sep 2015 15:21:07
I agree with you Trampas1955 and JohnHerb. She is a very gracious lady not after the limelight but doing a job for the royal family the best she can.
Response from sophie0910 made on 6th May 2023 21:16:04 > @JohnHerb
yes lovely horse face
Response from Paula D made on 7th May 2023 09:29:28 > @dogsx2
You're right there
Response from sophie0910 made on 7th May 2023 20:18:03 > @JohnHerb
get to the opticians lol
Paula D
6th May 2023 20:00:53
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24th Apr 2023 18:35:28 (Last activity: 6th May 2023 20:00:11)
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I do not want to be ruled by a pair of lying, cheating adulterers. I don’t think the charm initiatives which have been rolling out in tv programs over the last few years to boost Camilla’s popularity have worked, she is still unliked by many people.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor Original Poster made on 25th Apr 2023 08:13:25
Hi CarolC15,

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Response from jeanmark made on 25th Apr 2023 15:59:26
I think Camilla is right for the job and supports Charles very well. Neither would have committed adultery if the Queen had allowed them to marry in the first place.
Response from CaroleAH made on 26th Apr 2023 16:01:07 > @jeanmark
Well said Jeanmark. I am beginning to wonder if I really want to be part of a community like this that posts such horrible and vitriolic comments without knowing or understanding the true facts of the situation. None of us were privy to the discussions, between the senior Royals, that occurred at the time so we should not be judging either Charles or Camilla who appear so much in love.
Response from sophie0910 made on 26th Apr 2023 20:08:23 > @jeanmark
So because mommy said NO that woman isn't suitable that's an excuse
Response from jeanmark made on 27th Apr 2023 13:14:03 > @sophie0910
Sophie0910, yes, at that time, after all Charles was only 22 when he first met her. But later in life she gave her permission.
Response from Pineapplechristmas made on 30th Apr 2023 03:11:00 > @CaroleAH
It’s the question posed here, people have a right to their own opinions.
Response from jeanmark made on 30th Apr 2023 14:44:58 > @Pineapplechristmas
I agree and people have differing opinions which is why there is a discussion.
Response from Paula D made on 6th May 2023 20:00:11 > @Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
I agree totally
6th May 2023 10:22:19
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Philip should of been king someone who was behind our Queen , loved our Queen and defended our country!!! Why should an affair male someone else Queen
5th May 2023 13:28:36
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If she can put up with the King
she deserves a crown!
3rd May 2023 21:08:01 (Last activity: 5th May 2023 11:56:33)
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The right and proper thing to do was abdicate like his uncle did because he loved mrs Simpson ..why should Charles be any different ..even princess Margret wasn’t allowed to marry the man she loved …charles was seeing camilla long before Diana came along and that is fact not hear say …it was camilla who told Charles to marry Diana because she was young and they would be able to control her …but Diana was not going to be a trampled on wife and I don’t blame her …charles was with camilla the night before his wedding to Diana and he even wore the cuff links camilla brought him on his wedding day ..totally disrespectful ….charles could not marry camilla as she was a divorcee and could not give him an heir …Williams and Kate should be king and queen not charles and camilla it’s a joke and they are laughing at the British people behind closed door because they both got just what they wanted from the start much for Charles being the head of the church …is just the royal family doing just what they want and getting away with it as always ..
Response from Dawnie7 made on 4th May 2023 09:46:00
I completely agree, they both used and humiliated Diana and Camilla will never be my Queen. Diana was everything we wanted for our monarchy. I agree Charles should abdicate in favour of William, why should he be any different to his uncle. He should have been given the ultimatum when he wanted to marry her. Marry Camilla or be our king.
Response from sophie0910 made on 4th May 2023 17:23:53
I also agree 100%
Response from Uglynewqueen made on 5th May 2023 11:56:33
100% agree
5th May 2023 11:55:32
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4th May 2023 21:30:34
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Charles should have had the guts to abdicate so he could have his precious Camilla instead of ruining Diana’s life.
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