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Countdown to disaster

The whole situation regarding global warming is very worrying as scientists keep reporting that each year is getting hotter on average globally and this year 2015 is set to be the hottest yet. yet we keep driving cars, going on aeroplanes and industry keeps belting out greenhouse gases. I have just seen that over in China the biggest Typhoon has just struct the coast there and it could be the biggest storm for 40 years. What if we go over the tipping point and our weather starts to seriously affect food production worldwide. I think we are heading for major problems and we need to start sorting this out quickly.

Created By on 09/08/2015

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30th Jan 2016 05:02:04
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Global Warming, there are actually a couple of factors at work here:
1- The earth's climate has been in a constant state of transition( evolution, if you will) since it's formation, even without human's polluting the atmosphere the climate would be evolving, though this natural transition took hundreds of thousands of years.
2-Whilst human's are not responsible for earth's evolving climate, their pollution has served greatly to accelerate this process, even were human's not so technology advanced and using wood to heat and cook, the mere population and usage of such fuel(wood) would contribute greatly to the acceleration of this natural transition.
Response from Shadowman made on 13th Apr 2016 18:07:21
It is cause and effect and yes humans have greatly accelerated the process since the beginning of the industrial revolution. The problem with getting action in part is that even though in climate time this rate of rapidity of warming has never before occurred, it is still at a rate that is not obvious to those unfamiliar with the science. Humans generally have difficulty responding to threats that are not immediate to their personal lives due to the way we evolved.
20th Nov 2021 22:32:09
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The science is real. The threat is manifesting. Each year now the section of the US that I live in has more fires and higher temperatures. The smoke gets so bad we can hardly breathe at times. Next summer the area I live in could burn. The rainfall is down so much and has been for a while now, that the trees are literally dying. We can't just blame China and the other nations for the pollution. If we buy goods that comes from them, we contribute. If we fly on planes and sail on ships, they dump their garbage in the oceans. Our oceans are dying. Overpopulation is a problem. COVID is cutting some of it down. When the next spaceship stops in and asks me if I want to vacate the planet, I'll say yes and go with them.
19th Jun 2016 11:37:18 (Last activity: 16th Feb 2021 19:18:03)
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It's not global warming we need to worry about,its population growth and movement plus religious and political extremism are the main worries for our planet .
Response from Novram made on 16th Feb 2021 19:18:03
Overpopulation is one of the root causes for global warming. There are too many people burning too much fuel and emitting too many green house gasses into the atmosphere, The planet is growing hotter and most scientists believe it is being caused by human activity.
8th Jan 2021 15:07:37
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It's a funny thing but it's not just upto this country to
reduce the nasty gases....
Has anyone seen or heard about the pollution coming out of India , China , South America. and America .
To name just a few, ........Yes we can all do our bit which includes taxes being charged and money wasted .

But until there is a global agreement which is kept
by evey country ........... Just carry on regardless.

What else is there .......
2nd Nov 2020 20:40:18
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I had gas in a greenhouse once-boy did I ever clear that place out in a hurry! OMG-this just in! Everyone is dying ! Yes, from the day we are born, we start dying. Our only comfort? We are far enough up the food-chain, that we are simply not born to provide sustenance to those creatures which are larger and/or quicker than we are! Alright, enough silliness- I freely admit that we are "fouling ourselves out of our own nest" with excess carbon and plastic waste. I think we are slowly taking remedial steps on the carbon, the plastic-not so much! We really need to research better ways of recycling plastic, because, as we speak, we are eating, breathing and drinking tiny bits of plastic. Pattooie!
4th May 2017 13:46:52 (Last activity: 4th May 2017 15:20:58)
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Response from Wilf Original Poster made on 4th May 2017 15:20:58
From what I have read Yodama the Starshot is feasible apart from the propulsion and laser as it will need to be incredibly powerful and doesnt look like the technology will be there this side of 2050. BUT it is a brilliant idea. Martin Rees view is that human explorers will not be humans at all but man/machines. He has the same view of aliens. they will not be flesh and blood but machines. As advanced to us as we are to moths. If thats true they could easily be with us now............2001 a space odyssey...the "monolith"
26th Apr 2017 06:26:50 (Last activity: 26th Apr 2017 09:47:09)
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I'm not particularly worried about climate change myself. I know that much of what has been reported in the name of science is being manipulated for political reasons. That doesn't mean I think we should disrespect our planet, however I understand that climate change will occur naturally regardless of what man does. Must man be so egocentric to believe everything is a result of his actions? Air pollution is real up to a point but political manipulators are bringing pseudoscience to the table with wild overblown falsehoods. Carbon dioxide (different entirely from carbon monoxide) is a naturally occurring substance that is essential to carbon based life forms. It is a carbon atom covelently bonded to two oxygen atoms. Dry ice is the solid form of carbon dioxide. It is hardly a pollutant as claimed by some. We have too many well meaning folks too ready to believe in the bad science. The truth is according to the second law of thermodynamics the entire univers (and hence our planet) is in decay. We cannot stop it. And, essentially our planet will simply wear out, cool and become inhabitable. Why do you think NASA is working to bring mankind to other worlds? The good news is none of us will live to see our planet die. We are much more likely to destroy ourselves in a nuclear Holocaust first! This doesn't mean we do nothing but we need not shut down our clean coal plants, stop driving, or turn off the heat to our homes to save the planet. Earth will die as our sun will also far in the future. Overall in the grand scheme of millions or even billions of years what we do is actually of marginal effect. The real benefit in limiting actual pollutants is relative to the here and now. Less pollution allows us to live longer healthier lives. But, again the inevitable can only be delayed. As I mentioned to a friend the other day, I saw a billboard that claimed 60% of all people of a particular gender died of a specific disease and I quipped "100 % of people will die of something.". In other words if we totally cure everybody so that no person dies of a specific disease those folks will still eventually die of some other malady! We are not immortal and neither is our planet. Such is nature. We must avoid listening to the rabid sensationalized news media claims, half truths, misinformation, disinformation and foolishness they disseminate in micro bursts of noisy ingnorance to get their ratings. They are for the most part totally useless.
Response from Wilf Original Poster made on 26th Apr 2017 09:47:09
I agree the media do overblow issues but its quite obvious that climate change is happening and also that mankind is contributing to it. Its also obvious about air pollution. The science is there measuring it for us...its commonsense that it cannot be good for the human body and yet 40% of people are still driving diesels...myself included I may add. We need to slow down and get a grip. technology will help us out of most of our problems and I think in 200 years we will have about 50% less population in the air pollution and a much more harmonious way of living and our relations in those times will look back as we do now at the industrial revolution and the filth and grime then and say.....Did they really live like that?????
29th Nov 2016 00:38:25
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The biggest single cause of damage to the ozone layer is not cars or industry or fridges, but cows.!! They put more harmful gases into the atmosphere just through grazing. True all the others I mentioned do damage too and obviously need to have emissions reduced. More efficient cars and more renewable energy.
I am not a vegetarian, but if we all eat less beef, and reduced the cattle population massively, then that would greatly help the amount of gases causing the greenhouse effect.
15th Apr 2016 11:23:00
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That silly head of the Green Party said, during the televised debates that, 'climate change is the biggest threat we face.'
She has obviously not seen, or has chosen not to see, what Islamic Jihad has done to the middle east, and what it looks likely to do to Europe, if it isn't stopped, before it's too late.
29th Sep 2015 22:29:22 (Last activity: 25th Nov 2015 12:18:33)
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Well Wilf, I'm not even nominally worried about global warming as it isn't happening. It's all a con and a hoax to tax us in order to subsidise the corrupt people who build the massively inefficient wind and wave turbines.
The climate has always warmed then cooled and the main culprit is the sun. Until we can control the sun we have no choice but to accept what the climate chucks our way.
Try reading The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science by Tim Ball PhD.
Response from Wilf Original Poster made on 30th Sep 2015 09:45:56
Hi celtwitch...Its now proven that global warming is happening. There is more carbon dioxide which causes it than there has been for millions for years. Places like China are totally polluted and they have to have wind turbines to stop burning coal. I agree the climate does change frequently but I think this time we are adding to this in a rapid way.
Response from celtwitch made on 1st Nov 2015 09:17:41
You need to find another cause Wilf because 'global warming' is well past its sell by date as more and more scientists are admitting that it doesn't exist. The planet warming by a tiny amount is the least of our worries. Have you been reading about the persecution of Christians in the Middle East? Now that's something to feel angry and passionate about!
Response from orchardlane made on 25th Nov 2015 12:18:33
Successive governments don't take the subject seriously. They obviously don't believe either. If the belief was there it would mean more than recycling a few milk cartons to stop it.

I am old enough to remember when we were conned into thinking recycling old saucepans would go towards making Spitfires. It is just another business enterprise. I know some folk in this area of commerce and they boast about it as being as good as printing your own money.

However, global warming should not be used as an excuse for making the air we breathe cleaner. This should be done as a matter of good housekeeping anyway. London smog is a thing of the past so it can be done with more current sources of pollution.

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