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I'm a newbie

Just wanted to introduce myself and say hello!

Created By on 24/02/2016

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12th Oct 2019 15:29:32
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Hi Everyone, I'm a newbie. Anyone on here from Epsom or surrounding area?
27th Aug 2021 10:35:34
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Good morning and welcome to the site, I hope you will make lots of new friends here
Sally - Silversurfer's Editor
25th Aug 2021 20:23:07
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Hi Sandrawill080,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

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19th Jul 2021 12:37:25
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I'm in USA. Anyone from there?
29th Jun 2021 13:32:57 (Last activity: 1st Jul 2021 10:19:14)
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new to this site
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 29th Jun 2021 16:35:36
Hi Homer1955,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from PatriciaB96 made on 1st Jul 2021 10:19:14
Good morning and welcome to the site, I hope you will make lots of new friends here
10th Jun 2021 15:03:11 (Last activity: 10th Jun 2021 17:38:31)
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Good afternoon bobby47.
I'm a newbie here myself, messaging from Ireland.
Welcome from one newbie to another 🙂
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 10th Jun 2021 17:38:31
Hi Tina75,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

7th Jun 2021 18:49:12 (Last activity: 8th Jun 2021 16:28:22)
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Response from PatriciaB96 made on 8th Jun 2021 16:28:22
Good afternoon Dleonardson
11th Feb 2020 02:51:59 (Last activity: 29th May 2021 20:45:31)
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The overnight hours are torture. The silence is awful.

I live alone and I'm housebound with agoraphobia - 22 years, now! I have no way to make friends. I have nothing I'd usually call friends, now, because they have little/no idea how to be real friends...they just think that they know. The real type of friend seemed to die off around 40 years ago. Now, people just fake being friends, and my phone never rings, but they always ring me if they.......have a problem.

Family is out, for me, because my family is as dysfunctional as I am and overnight?...nobody thanks you for calling them. I'd be more likely to get my head bitten off for phoning family on such terribly lonely nights.

I wish computers could "magic" up new friends for me and get them to knock on my door!
Response from Dani made on 11th Feb 2020 10:57:17
Oh how horrible for you Ian.
I’m a bit of an insomniac since my husband died...I wake up and sling an arm over the bed to find no one there...then it’s tears and tea, the paper or a book, prayer and thoughts.
No, you can’t pick up the phone, can you? You could try writing an email expressing your feelings and then expect a reply in the morning. At least you could have an outpouring of sadness that someone will respond to.
My heart goes out to you.
Response from Gardentime made on 11th Feb 2020 16:30:16
Hi Ian

Sorry to hear your sadness. I don't know if you have come across Silverline but they are a helpline a bit like the Samaritans and are there all time of the day or night if you want to chat. Their number is

0800 4 70 80 90
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 15th Feb 2020 19:24:01
Good evening that's quite sad actually , having no proper friends , we all get that some times , many of us would only to glad to say hello , good luck in finding one true friend x
Response from IanHaines made on 29th May 2021 16:56:40
This forum totally baffles me. I didn't even know these replies were here.

Thanks, to those who replied to me.
Response from PatriciaB96 made on 29th May 2021 20:45:31 > @IanHaines
Good evening Ian Haines, your notication may come up as span on your email, it's worth a check .

6th Feb 2020 06:39:01 (Last activity: 29th May 2021 16:58:02)
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Response from IanHaines made on 11th Feb 2020 02:58:56
I'm new, too, Julie...hello! 🙂
Response from IanHaines made on 29th May 2021 16:58:02
How do I edit my posts...this forum totally confuses me!
15th Apr 2021 10:13:19
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Good morning to all new members to the site
Hattie 2
13th Apr 2021 11:42:44 (Last activity: 13th Apr 2021 12:04:57)
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Hi, I'm a lonely newbie, lol.
With this pandemic I've realized I've been in lockdown all my life, even though I'm a wife, mother and grandmother. I've looked after everyone, always been there when they need me, push them into life so they have a life, and I've been fine with this, till lockdown that's when I realised I'm not going to lose out or miss anything or anyone. Do I get kicked off this site now, for bringing down the tone.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 13th Apr 2021 12:04:57
Hi Hattie 2,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

27th Feb 2020 10:19:39 (Last activity: 17th Nov 2020 10:39:25)
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I'm a newbie here too. I'm from Edinburgh - well just south of it anyway. Looking forward to interacting and making some new friends!
Response from fernwalker12 made on 10th May 2020 23:38:52
Hello JuneN42,

I have spent many hours researching Scotland because I’d love to see the Highlands someday. I’ve seen many gorgeous landscape photos that make me wish I could wave a magic wand and be there now! Unfortunately, the virus will probably prevent travel to Scotland for quite some time.

How much of Scotland have you been able to see over the years?
Response from Nan made on 17th Nov 2020 10:39:25 > @fernwalker12
Hello - there is a group on Face Book called ‘Scotland from the roadside’. Lots of great photos
9th Sep 2020 12:48:44 (Last activity: 10th Sep 2020 07:17:01)
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Hi There

I joined 10 minutes ago and first question is " where do I find" start new top ?

I live in Southport, have interest in computers, humour, fishing, diy and helping people if/when I can, I am male 79, but fit and active.
Response from Dinabob4 made on 9th Sep 2020 20:52:24
Hi there,

I noticed you have posted a question. It may be best to send it to the editor of the site as you have replied to a post from 4 years ago so you may not get a reply.

I would say It depends on your settings in your profile as to whether you get an email notification of a reply. I find even then it can vary so it may be worth a check by logging on every so often.

You may want to start a post of your own by clicking on ' add a new post of your own'.

You have some interesting hobbies so I hope you can find like-minded others on this site and manage to join in conversations.

Take care
Response from frenchman96 made on 10th Sep 2020 07:17:01 > @Dinabob4
thanks for reply and clarification, I go on lots of forums, this one sounds very friendly but I find it a bit confusing.
9th Sep 2020 12:50:24
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Are we informed by email if a reply is made or do we have to log in to forum to check?
4th Sep 2020 22:22:21
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Hi all,just joined saying hello
29th Jun 2020 15:21:52 (Last activity: 29th Jun 2020 16:53:04)
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Hello out there! I’m a “newbie” from Louisiana stuck at home because of COVID-19. ☹️ How is everyone else dealing with all this?
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 29th Jun 2020 16:30:30
Hi deebee9000,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from Wilf made on 29th Jun 2020 16:31:07
All ok but a bit bored I think deebee. Hows things in Louisiana?
Response from deebee9000 made on 29th Jun 2020 16:53:04 > @Wilf
Hello Wilf. I am well, but bored, bored! It’s so hot down here right now and raining every day to make it worse. Here in Louisiana, we are in Phase II of trying to re-open the state. We shall see how that goes.
5th Mar 2020 01:59:08 (Last activity: 3rd Jun 2020 22:16:03)
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Hello, I am sooooo new and don't know how to begin! I am female, 67.
Response from BFord33 made on 10th Mar 2020 07:30:48
Hi I'm new too, female 51 lonely and recently split from my husband after 24 yrs. No going back only forwards. How r you?
Response from Casualgrey made on 3rd Jun 2020 22:16:03
Hi Fine Marble, Welcome, I see you're fairly new here. I trust the Fine Marble has some exquisite figuring haha. I am in Somerset and looking for new friends., so if you fancy a chat !!!!! Tell me more
25th Mar 2020 19:42:40 (Last activity: 10th May 2020 23:28:11)
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Just joined the group ,seventy years young ,not looking for romance am a happily married man , just would love some chat with people from different countries. I’m retired seven years ago ,so if you would fancy some good hearted banter with this Irishman ,get in touch . Cheers
Response from Melina - Assistant Editor made on 27th Mar 2020 10:54:38
Hello Fitzer and welcome to Silversurfers. A good tip on how to get involved on our site is to take a look at Current Topics in our Forum and feel free to engage in anything that takes your interest. We also have a very active Speakers Corner section where you may find something that interests you. and if you would like to join the discussion on the challenges of self-isolation then here's where to go:

I hope you enjoy being part of our community.

Response from fernwalker12 made on 10th May 2020 23:28:11
Hello Fitzer,
I am a content, peaceful woman who has been to Ireland. I was there in May/June of 1999 for 3 weeks. For about a week and a half I was so terrified of the narrow country roads and wild drivers that I was almost certain I’d be returning to the US in a coffin! At the first B&B, the owner tried to make me feel better by saying, “Just keep to the left, and if they hit you, it’s THEIR fault!” That didn’t ease my mind.

So now that you’re retired, what do you do with your free time?
Do you have grandchildren nearby to entertain? I have a granddaughter age 14 and a grandson age 7, and I enjoy spending time with each of them.

Well, I hope to have good hearted banter with a happily married Irishman!
16th Apr 2020 21:55:29 (Last activity: 17th Apr 2020 12:20:13)
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Also I should add that I recently became a widower and not being able to leave the surroundings of my grief is not going well. I'm 77 years old and not used to being alone.
Response from Sally - Silversurfer's Editor made on 16th Apr 2020 22:25:40
Hi boogiesan,

Welcome and many thanks for your first comment in our Forum.

If you already know your way around, then we will leave you to it.

If you are looking for some lively discussions, head on over to the Forum homepage to see what's trending right now and feel free to join in the discussions, with all our friendly members, perhaps ask a question or even start your own post.

Response from CaroleAH made on 17th Apr 2020 12:20:13
Sorry to hear that you have been recently bereaved. You say that you are stuck inside unable to leave the surroundings of your grief but there must be many happy memories of your marriage there as well and whilst your grief is natural and understandable, please try to let the happy memories filter through and give you comfort.
You are now in the year of "firsts" - that is first birthday, anniversary, Christmas etc without your beloved wife and it will be difficult but you say that your son lives nearby and you will be able to comfort each other, at a distance for now, but together nonetheless.
I don't know if you will have seen in the media the news about a WW2 veteran, Tom Moore, who will be 100 years old at the end of this month who has been raising money for the NHS. He was on television last night and he said that these are difficult times but that we will get through them and that there will be rainbows still in the sky - Tom is inspirational This gentleman set out with a target of raising £1000 - the figure now stands at £15million and is still rising. There is light at the end of the tunnel, Boogiesan, it just might be a bit dim at the moment. Remember the happy times and talk to people on the phone, email your friends and keep in touch with everyone. Often people don't know what to say to a recently bereaved person and may appear to be ignoring you so however hard it might seem, it could be up to you to take the first step and make contact with them.
Take care, Carole 🙂
16th Apr 2020 21:49:32
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I'm currently living alone in Reno, NV isolated because of the virus scare. My son lives nearby but he can only visit me at a distance. Looking for ways to pass the time.
3rd Apr 2020 20:35:39 (Last activity: 3rd Apr 2020 20:53:25)
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Hello just joining a bit of an empty nester with a couch potato of a husband!! Going to take a look at the site!!
Response from Wilf made on 3rd Apr 2020 20:53:25
Good evening Dizzydyslexic and welcome to Silversurfers. I have been on here quite a few years and there are lots of very friendly folk on here who are always good for a chat.
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