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Kindle vs Book

Most books are now available to download … do you have a Kindle or similar or do you tend to read an actual book? Do you have a preference?

Created By on 28/10/2014

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22nd Aug 2016 12:20:00
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I just love books. Have to admit I have never tried a Kindle but cannot see me giving up trips to the library, charity shops or bookshops. Just enjoy looking for books to read.
22nd Aug 2016 00:12:43
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Love my Kindle and don't know how I managed laying on my side in bed at night trying to turn pages for so many years before I was bought it. So easy to choose books on Amazon as well. Love it!
16th Jun 2016 17:33:36 (Last activity: 16th Jun 2016 22:16:50)
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I do like my Kindle but the experience of reading a book cannot be surpassed by a digital device. Holding a real book, turning the pages, the smell of the ink on paper, the cover design, storing your old books on display in a bookcase, all add to the reading experience. But,...... digital is very convenient especially on holidays!!
Response from georgesmum made on 16th Jun 2016 22:16:50
I have to agree that nothing beats a proper book.....the Kindle has its place my case usually in the bedside drawer! I have always enjoyed the whole experience of visiting the library to choose my books and have been a regular library user since childhood. I have had a Kindle for several years now but rarely use it so of course when I do think about dragging it out of the drawer....the battery is flat!
10th Feb 2016 13:38:04
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I really enjoying using the Kindle White because I can adjust the brightness according to the amount of available light and I can also adjust the font and size of font so it is easier for me to read. I insisted to my husband that I did not want a kindle because I like the feel of books and being able to turn the pages but he bought me one for Valentine's day a few years ago and I am so pleased that he did. I sill go to the library for books to save money but I use my kindle most of time.
5th Jan 2016 20:28:38
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I like the Audiobooks on my kindle. They are great when your driving or working around the home and it stops me feeling guilty about sitting down reading when I should be doing other things.
28th Nov 2015 21:17:37
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Hi, I'm afraid that I wouldn't have a kindle. There is nothing like handling a book, turning the pages, or even browsing from the index.

I read very little fiction. At the moment I am reading Auschwitz by Laurence Rees. It was written after the fall of European communism and contains many new facts. I can thoroughly recommend it, although the subject matter is macabre.

I collect books on East Anglia, Suffolk being my adopted county, and would be happy to swap books for those that I want.

Regards to everyone.
8th Nov 2015 08:13:47
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Yes like everyone else who enjoys a good book to read, I too use to keep quite a number of paperbacks, but in recent years I switched to buying a kindle e-reader and ,enjoy the simplicity of clicking and buying a kindle book. on line, immediately, and to which is down loaded in seconds, the beauty of these e-readers is that you can store quite a few thousand e-books on them, although the feel of a paper back or hard back book is great, for many of us the problem comes in that if you decide to keep these books, then space becomes a priority, finding a place to keep and store them, where as with the e-reader, the kindle or what ever you have, can store these books all on one device, and searching for new books to read couldn't be easier.

so at the end of the day its all a matter of choice,
25th Oct 2015 19:59:09
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I can see the point of a Kindle for taking on holiday etc, but nothing beats an actual book! I know even paperbacks are expensive if bought new, but I buy the vast majority of my books from charity shops or from cut-price shops. I swap books with friends after reading them too.
31st Oct 2014 18:56:32 (Last activity: 11th Sep 2015 11:50:01)
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Evening, I am an addictive reader and love my Kindle. I joined Kindle Unlimited, and for £7-99 a month i can download 100's of books plus video's. Have to say, might not suit everyone if you like to stay with a favourite author also, i can listen to books but not to keen on that, just seems odd, a female reader trying to lower tone to sound like a lover or a serial killer. 😕 🙂
Response from Chamberlains3 made on 11th Sep 2015 11:50:01
Hattie, I too own a Kindle Paper White which I use constantly. You say you joined Kindle Unlimited. I thought you had to read any books you download by Kindle Unlimited in one month or they delete them. Is that correct.? Regards Jeanette.
6th Aug 2015 16:20:11
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I have a kindle and use it on holiday and at home for books I see on Amazon. I also use our local mobile library to borrow books. There is a danger that it may be withdrawn in the constant attempts to cut costs. Hope using it will help to.keep it going.
Pete H
4th Aug 2015 10:11:54
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I love the kindle - saves on space and I can turn the text up to large so I don't have to use my glasses. Also easy to choose the next book and make a note of other books to read on the wish list. No turning back to paper for me. Just don't forget to take your charger with you when away!!!
Mo Moor
30th Oct 2014 12:42:08
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I used to be anti-Kindle until my husband bought me one as a Christmas pressie. Therefore, I do use both, but predominantly my kindle. I love the look and feel of a book, but I do find the kindle very user friendly, and not so cumbersome! The e-books are generally much cheaper than the actual book or paperback, but again, there are some who still prefer a proper book, which I can appreciate. I have an account with Amazon, and my e-purchases are downloaded immediately from them and I have had no problem whatsoever with this process. However, if I want a limited edition of a certain book, then I would not hesitate to purchase it. I would hate owning books to fade and a combination of the two suits me fine. Lastly, I have quite a lot of books, and storage is becoming a bit of an issue, so the kindle is an answer to that particular problem. I would recommend the two means of literature, and as long as people are reading and enjoying the read.......that's the most important matter, I would think. Happy reading!
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