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Is modern technology really anti-social? Does it get in the way of real, old-fashioned conversation? What do you think and are your experiences.

Are you becoming boring to other members of the household, with your attention given to your phone, tablet or other. Is technology controlling us like “the tail wagging the dog”? I have invested in an i-pad air, and my dear ol’ hubby says I’m using it too much…..especially when the footie is on; that’s for sure! Anyone suffering i-paditus?

Created By on 27/10/2014

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25th Apr 2022 12:39:37
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Nothing wrong with watching the footie, we all have our passions.
Technology is brilliant, we keep moving forward

The trouble is us, we are resistant to change, its why so many are stuck in the past..
You only have to look at the news, the new generations offended by history and trying to cancel everything they disagree with..
We are more diverse now, hence why we have so many problems, no one can agree on anything
As a species we need contact and interaction, yet evrything today pushes us towards isolation..

Hope you overcome your i-paditus addiction
Response from jeanmark made on 25th Apr 2022 17:46:28
Mr Ron, I hope one of the benefits of being older is the ability to marry the two - the old with the new - and appreciate the benefits of both.
Response from MrRon made on 25th Apr 2022 19:46:27 > @jeanmark
JeanMark - every generation has the ability to marry the two, every generation has the ability to adapt, but we both know that not everyone does, Look at Brexit, look at Covid, look at the last 70 years and the resistance to change.. We both know that not everybody buys into everything
Response from jeanmark made on 26th Apr 2022 15:38:48 > @MrRon
Mr Ron, I would agree with you on that point. I have friends in their 80’s and 90’s who, during the pandemic, had regular zoom sessions with their family and friends to keep in touch, and have continued to have these as it makes it easier for all when having to travel long distances to be able to meet face to face. Then there are those much younger who refuse to get involved with such technology believing it is better to drive 50/60 miles just to have a coffee, even with the increase in fuel costs. My older friends then ask why they are being blamed for climate change!
11th Apr 2022 18:54:24 (Last activity: 2nd Feb 2024 17:16:16)
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Silverbutterfly, unfortunately you can not un- invent something and once invented there will always be those who find ways to abuse/exploit it. But if you want to control computer content, what content and at what age and who should be the arbiter. School computers now form an integral part of modern education giving more up to date information than any encyclopaedia can to inform a child. and also prepare a child for adulthood.

Technology has been with us since the industrial revolution and has helped improve quality life compared to that of our parents, grandparents and great grandparents. Mobile phones have a role to play and should not be assumed to be abused by everyone. They can even help to save lives but should not rule someones life. Parents should practice and enforce good phone etiquette i.e. not used and banned from meal tables, switched off at specific times and not allowed in bedrooms.
Response from ecarg made on 12th Apr 2022 07:23:34
Jean Mark
As ever clarity and sense again.
Being a member of the older generation I feel many of us are stuck in the past in some respects.
Technology is progressing at a pace it's not a scary thing but takes time and a finances, so we cant escape remember when cash was not an option but the norm.
My children were taught computer skills in the 80's and 90's.
My grandchildren aged 12 and 4 ,times two
are currently developing their skills The young ones have used a tablet for the last year .The 12 year old has been able to help me ,my daughter lacks patience but uses a computer most days as an Admission Officer. Whereas an electric typewriter was a cause of excitement for me.
Response from silverbutterfly made on 19th Apr 2022 03:13:32
Hi Jeanmark,
well that's telling me. Luckily I am not a 'sheep' and think for myself.
I see a place for technology in the work place. Analysing mass data ,sharing of scientific findings and modelling and all the wonderful 3D designing. Technology in medical situations clearly is of benefit to people. I even appreciate it gives opportunities for businesses to expand their advertising etc...... I have no problem with that.. Space travel would not be where it is without technology. It's work related.

I don't know if mobile phones 'save lives' you'd have to find some statistics to prove that. It's an assumption.

My concern is the effect on the younger generation. Terrorist-ISIS- were very good at using the internet for organising destruction. and grooming young people etc.... The negative side is enormous for young people. Young women are putting botox in their faces because they view themselves by how many 'likes' they get. It is damaging the self worth of young people .Pedophiles are getting access to young children. What more needs to be said. ?
Teenagers don't have a sense of community because they invest their time with virtual friends, who aren't really friends. I wonder how many rapes and assaults have happened due to the easy access to hard porn.
It is our duty to protect the younger generation as best we can.
The young need to be protected. They are the future.
Response from jeanmark made on 19th Apr 2022 18:54:32 > @silverbutterfly
Hello silverbutterfly

I am not sure where the ‘sheep’ reference came from, I do not feel understanding and accepting the benefit of modern technology means you are not an independent thinker.

I agree with much of what you have said regarding the negative side of the internet, in particular social media, but that does not mean ignoring the positives. Much of the examples you have given were around before the internet, but I agree it has made certain things easier. Protecting children is important but parents have a great part to play and the benefits for children and teenagers from having controlled access to computers is evident by the range and diversity of knowledge they can acquire. The internet is just one medium that can have a negative effect on young people, so many older women have botox, plus advertising in magazines can influence young females and males, not all is the fault of the internet. Yes, bullying can occur via social media, as can belittling someone for the way they look, but that has been happening well before the internet and social media. Children can be cruel and will always find a way to hurt and humiliate others.

Mobile phones can save lives, two examples are the App called “What 3 words”, paramedics have certainly witnessed the benefit of this, and carrying your phone when out walking alone can help if something goes wrong, particularly when in the countryside. I have no idea if such statistic have been gathered, my observation is based on experience, never assumption.

I tend to look at things from all angles before making a decision on their use. Cars are known to be dangerous and certainly kill, we accept these negative because the positive outweigh them, as a result we let young people learn to drive even though we are aware of the dangers. Computers and the internet are the same, the benefits far outweigh the negatives.
Response from jeanmark made on 19th Apr 2022 19:01:19 > @silverbutterfly
Hello silverbutterfly

I am not sure where the ‘sheep’ reference came from, I do not feel understanding and accepting the benefit of modern technology means you are not an independent thinker.

I agree with much of what you have said regarding the negative side of the internet, in particular social media, but that does not mean ignoring the positives. Much of the examples you have given were around before the internet, but I agree it has made certain things easier. Protecting children is important but parents have a great part to play and the benefits for children and teenagers from having controlled access to computers is evident by the range and diversity of knowledge they can acquire. The internet is just one medium that can have a negative effect on young people, so many older women have botox and advertising in magazines can influence young females and males, not all is the fault of the internet. Yes, bullying can occur via social media, as can belittling someone for the way they look, but that has been happening well before the internet and social media. Children can be cruel and will always find a way to hurt and humiliate others.

Mobile phones can save lives, two examples are the App called “What 3 words”, paramedics have certainly witnessed the benefit of this, and carrying your phone when out walking alone can help if something goes wrong, articulacy when in the countryside. I have no idea if statistics have been collected but my observations are based on experience.

I tend to look at things from all angles before making a decision on their use. Cars are known to be dangerous and certainly kill, we accept these negative because the positive outweigh them, as a result we let young people learn to drive even though we are aware of the dangers. Computers and the internet are the same, the benefits far outweigh the negatives.
Response from silverbutterfly made on 21st Apr 2022 03:37:39 > @jeanmark
Hi Jean Mark
I think I might be out of sync here. Anyway, what a beautiful written response to your last comment.
Unfortunately it is true we can not un-do what has happened that is why I describe the effect of IT, the internet and mobile phones as a wave that has over taken us. I should have used the word Tsunami. We've been swept away.
There's already been inquires into the working of the huge Internet Companies. Whistle blowers exposing their work ethics.
As I said I'm all for it in the work arena but it is time to put in more controls to protect people young and old. Push back the tsunami.
I think there is actual evidence that mobile phones kill. Legislation had to be put in place to prevent people from driving and using their mobile phones.
I taught for many years in what is nicely called 'difficult' schools you presume too much on the responsibility of parents. It's not there. The young people often know more than their parents. I have sat in waiting rooms and watched mum's on mobile phones ignoring their young children or they've given their child their own mobile to keep them quiet. That happens a lot these days mum's more interested in their mobile than interacting with their children. I see it all the time.
As I said to someone I grew up post war. There was a stronger sense of community and when we went out to meet others it was face to face. To me that is how it should be. That is what makes sense to me. My dog is nagging me for attention so I have to go.
Response from jeanmark made on 21st Apr 2022 19:12:20 > @silverbutterfly
Hi silverbutterfly

You are not out of sync, my computer was playing up and posted my response twice, I apologise for that.

I think we actual agree, may be I should have said that parents should take responsibility but also many do and try to learn from their children to keep up, I do no include those parents who themselves have special learning needs.

There will always be those that do not do what is expected of them. I still see people who refuse to wear seat belts, drink and drive, and, as you note, using mobile phones. I’m not sure we should put a holt on progress to accommodate these. I am fortunate in knowing many young people who use modern technology responsibly.

I do agree on the community spirit we all grew up with appears to have been lost, I think it is a consequence of modern living. I’m not sure how that can be recovered with todays fast paced society wanting everything yesterday! They expect everything they want regardless of whether they have the ability to afford it. Which generation taught them this was an acceptable way to live, technology may have been advancing but didn’t teach this. I don’t think it is just large IT corporations that need to be explored more closely. We need to try and recover the concept that big isn’t necessarily better. I do not need a 72 inch TV screen on my wall. As I child I was happy to sit and watch the test card until a programme started in black and white on a 12 inch screen. Now I find computers and social media help in keeping touch wth family and friends who lives miles and continents apart and who I can not to see face to face regularly. My phone can be used in an emergency by a paramedic to check my medication and health history quickly.

When considering IT and social media, young people today do not appear to have any self regulation. We were taught this from a young age. I started as a cadet nurse 1 week after my 16 birthday, I soon learnt self discipline and not once was I treated as child, but as an adult that had to just get on with it and learn. The world was completely different when I finished 47 years later!
Response from silverbutterfly made on 22nd Apr 2022 04:21:20 > @jeanmark
Hi Jeanmark,
this has been the best conversation I've had on line and it appears that others have joined in. This is good for people to exchange opinions.
Chatting with my son I now see that the old type mobiles where it is just a phone does have a place with keeping people in touch and for access to emergency services. I have personally stayed away from learning about aps etc... can't tolerate talking to a machine. Many life times ago I started a degree course in Computer Studies at a time when computers filled a temperature control room and programs were put in using punched cards. Being a social animal it just completely bored me. Life directed me onto my true course after that year into teaching -maths.
Well it's been a pleasure exchanging opinions. In the end we have no power to bring about change so we bystanders watching life as it changes play out.

I will leave you with the results of a survey that was carried out a few years ago. When asked the majority of women said they would prefer to give up sex before they gave up their mobile phone.
My first reaction was - well that's a condemnation of the ability of British men.
my next was- these poor women, what they have missed out on. maybe the addiction of mobile phones numbs the senses.

Take care

Response from jeanmark made on 22nd Apr 2022 15:56:28 > @silverbutterfly
I never thought mobile phones would be that important…
Response from ecarg made on 24th Apr 2022 17:23:00
I have returned to following this debate .I must say it's the most interesting thing I've read on Silver Surfers for a long time.Myself and my best friend from.Southampton both celebrated our 70th birthdays with her visiting me in Scotland
My nephew and family visited from.Chhelmsford.During Lockdown I made a family archive scrapbook,well this was a source of great interest and amusement.After all.the celebrations I have my daughter a Thank you card.She said it wasn't necessary as everything was recorded on people's phone.I suggested that in twenty years. She might. not have the event on her phone but that she could keep.the card forever.
So I've decided to elder granddaughter to make a digitial.archive.I think this would be an excellent way for us techno dinasours to learn computer skills whilst our grandchildren would learn about their relatives past and present.
I haven't asked her yet I'll text her I'm.more likely to get a response she might even speak to me on the phone LOL
Response from jeanmark made on 26th Apr 2022 15:42:15 > @ecarg
Ecarg, that's a good idea, we have all our photos etc. digitised as well as keeping originals..
Response from jeanmark made on 2nd Feb 2024 17:16:16
I think Longliverocknroll that people make a choice and I accept that, I have friends who do embrace change and others who prefer the status quo. Age is not necessarily the issue as there are younger people who may reject the age of technology and others who have no choice as keeping abreast of modern technology may be beyond their reach because of cost. The pandemic taught us that not very child had a laptop or tablet and their parents were not necessarily in a position to provide one.

As to adult children leaving their parents 'lost' in a world dependant on technology, surely it is up to the parent to make a choice when given the information, not for children to force change upon them.
16th Jan 2024 21:51:44
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Just returning to Silver Surfers and reading through post from 10 yrs.ago to current
I was wondering if we would add to the posts,do we still think they are current what has changed particularly regarding technology.
I confess I know nothing about Artificial Intelligence
Yesterday I heard that young children are starting to lose the ability to read and write due to their reliance on the use of a tablet.
Scams are on the increase. The need for robust monitoring of the internet is urgent but I'm.happy to use technology to communicate.
11th Apr 2022 02:43:39 (Last activity: 12th Apr 2022 19:08:46)
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My opinion is that there should be rules and limitations put on the internet. It has the potential to bring out the worse in people because they can say what they like without taking responsibility for it. Young people are exposed to damaging views that affect them psychologically, It opens the doors to scammers and the nastier elements of life.
As a retired teacher the first rule is that no child under the age of 14yrs should be allowed to use computers unless there are parameters logged in to keep them safe. So looking up information for work is fine but I still recall the days when it was an encyclopiedia that provided the best information on topics and they still do.
There needs to be constant monitoring of material on the internet.

I have an active dislike for mobile phones. They create 'bad manners'.. I grew up without a mobile phone and I survived ! and so did everyone else.

Technology has hit the human race like a big wave and everyone has been swept along with it. No one stopped to think about how it would affect community life or how people relate to each other. We didn't stop and think we have a choice here, instead the young were swept along with the marketing of these items and the older generation went along with it. Hopefully in time the novelty will wear off and the world will not feel so crazy.
Response from ecarg made on 12th Apr 2022 19:08:46
Isn't that a one sided view?
You survived I survived but consider those that have survived because they were able to use their mobiles to.get help.
Rene personal account illustrates the benefit of brings,
Technology has made huge benefits in the science and medicine world.
Vaccines.medication skilled operations all need people and our technology to advance them
I.understand the negatives but again it's people that cause the problems technology is here to stay..
12th Apr 2022 18:21:15 (Last activity: 12th Apr 2022 18:40:54)
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Response from ecarg made on 12th Apr 2022 18:40:54
This is one of the best reasons to embrace technology I have heard.
I am fortunate that I can hear and I have tried to learn sign language in the past but because I'm not using it I.cant remember much.
How much better this must be for you Rene.
22nd Feb 2022 21:47:14
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Quite agree. Trades and young people need to have a holiday together, lol! So to speak. Things like carpentry, metal work skills, Technical drawing, cobbling. Hands on skills but as much as they are 'skills' it's a brick wall when an employer uses robots to replace the human behind the till or the factory shop floor. Even operators are now 'automation'. (which is highly irritable) we don't all fit into a box. Understand things move on but I wonder how many young people would even know how to build a coal fire today LOL! (I know coal is out)

Go karts use to be the thing we'd build. Out to find a set of pram wheels and planks of wood but the most important piece would be the steering bold! LOL!

we'd play 'ollies' (marbles) in the school yard on the grate. Steelies we'd call cheating! LOL!
22nd Feb 2022 21:35:36
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Is just sticking to the old rules of being present when someone is talking to you; put your phone in your pocket. Be present in the moment. Not engrossed in your phone or tablet. If meals are ready put tech away go and enjoy your meal with family or friends and check emails/text later. If it's urgent you can change a ringtone or email alert so you instantly know that it's 'urgent' otherwise 'do it later' when people are trying to talk to you there is nothing more (in my opinion) 'rude' and 'disrespectful' than ignoring the person talking in front of you - for you to answer a text or email. Seriously we all had to wait outside a telephone box when we had to make calls. We had to wait till we got home to make a phone call or listen to messages. Not saying tech is 'bad' but be respectful, be aware of your surroundings, and perhaps sore necks and thumbs will 'ease' as texter's thumb and screen neck are so common place today. Because we're always looking 'down' and the joints in our thumbs were not made to 'text' 24/7.

I love technology; but it has it's place. not to 'replace' human conversation.
7th Oct 2021 00:19:54
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My 92yr old Dad has a saying....
Quote: “ Technology will be the death of man”

He is usually right... but we fear for the younger generations future.
What goes around, comes around.... I do hope so.
I have nothing against evolution, but the World has gone Technology crazy & is creating a sterile environment.
Dave Harbud
11th Jan 2019 10:33:25
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I know some people who for one reason or other don't get out much, who find social media a lifeline. As far as using it as a substitute for day to day life.... you don't need modern tech for that - I've always been fond of losing myself in a book. My major concern about mobile technology is not with particular things such as but that I think it does impair your concentration. I'm a programmer and part of my job description is thinking about the same thing for long periods of time. Loss of concentration affects my ability to work.
30th Sep 2016 11:55:09 (Last activity: 2nd Nov 2016 15:56:04)
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The tablet is taking over the home it is now so quite no one talks any moor whatis the world coming to help !!!!!
Response from ecarg made on 2nd Nov 2016 15:56:04
No wonder it's quiet if the tablet has taken over everyone will have their mouths full sugar is the enemy now.
28th Oct 2016 06:21:48 (Last activity: 29th Oct 2016 18:39:11)
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I don't own an I-pad and only have a basic mobile phone - hate texting in fact even find the house phone an intrusion with all these cold calls, but I've had my laptop a couple of years and it's great for information and communication, how else would I have read all these interesting, strange and funny comments from Silver Surfers. I like putting pen to paper and love to receive a letter with news not previously imparted elsewhere.
Yesterday whilst at a supermarket checkout the checkout operator was communicating via some kind of intercom system whilst serving me and gave me no attention whatsoever accept to say cash or card. Surely staff should be encouraged to focus on the customer not be expected to multi task whilst operating the till. Grumpy old woman I may be but new technology does not need to take presidence over politeness.
Response from jeanmark made on 28th Oct 2016 11:49:27
As a grumpy old woman I have to agree with you ecarg but don't think it is modern technology that's the problem, basic good manners no longer appear to be taught to some people or maybe it's being at a checkout all day!
Response from ecarg made on 29th Oct 2016 04:09:48
I agree good manners are in decline but drop the technology a bit and speak to each other one to one and also lets practise another dying art and actually listen to each other properly.
Response from jeanmark made on 29th Oct 2016 13:18:24
I won't argue with that sentiment ecarg. Recently a good friend of mine in her eighties and a retired schoolteacher noted that the vicar, whilst she was speaking, kept looking at his watch. She smiled and asked him if he would like her to teach him to tell the time as he appeared to be having problems. She thought that more polite than saying "Am I boring you"!
Response from ecarg made on 29th Oct 2016 15:44:24
Vicar was probably to polite to say he was in a hurry to be somewhere else and was relying on body language. Mixed messages - the British certainly have a wealth of communication methods and speaking of this it's a pity sign language is not more widely taught . I used to be able to use some Makaton but have forgotten most of what I knew.
Response from jeanmark made on 29th Oct 2016 18:39:11
I think my friend was aware of his workload but felt he shouldn't have visited her if he did't have the time!

As a nurse it was necessary to acquire the skill of reading body language particularly when working with 'challenging' patients. I have always found it a fascinating subject.

My step-granddaughter is special needs and has been taught a variation of Makaton to help with communication. Interestingly she now has an iPad with a special programme that allows her to communicate in an easier fashion.

I used to teach communication to student nurses, particularly the art of listening and was able to give some really good examples of when health care workers did not communicate their message adequately. Sadly, I continue to fail in reading my husbands body language when I'm talking!!
22nd Aug 2016 13:27:38
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Yes and it's definitely ok .... (What does he want you to do instead, fill out your Pools coupon?!)

I don't know whether ipads/tablets were originally aimed at females, but my experience is that we take to them like ducks to water...we thought the laptop was great - but.... I know a lot of ladies of all ages that use one and carry them around with them.

All good - digital freedom - keep hold of it!

5th Jan 2016 15:39:39 (Last activity: 21st Aug 2016 15:59:58)
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Were one to closely scrutinize the effect of technology on one's ability to socialize,they will see where many "doors" have open through the evolution of socializing via the field of technology.Technology has greatly enhanced our abilities to communicate with individuals throughout the world whom we would not have been able too before.
Response from ThatManViv made on 27th Jul 2016 23:39:36
this is true, I now get emails and skype messages from loads of nigerian and ghanaians people I never would have heard of .... and I bet you didnt know .... age doesnt matter ... 😀
Response from jeanmark made on 21st Aug 2016 15:59:58
A friend mine (92 year old) has recently suggested that when considering evolution, future babies may well be born with mobile phones attached to their hand!
27th Jul 2016 23:36:41 (Last activity: 21st Aug 2016 09:49:42)
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My New App will be available soon ... its a bit like PokemonGo except it searches out the nearest real live human being who wants to have a real live conversation with another real live human being ..... ya never know it could revolutionise communication as we now know it .... 😀
Response from happyhacker made on 19th Aug 2016 07:28:22
My app for that is in my brain! So I don't need tech., just start up a conv. When the situation is right and away we go! I call them all tech. Zombies!
Response from ThatManViv made on 21st Aug 2016 09:49:42
please dont tell me you took what I said seriously ... heheheh
19th Jun 2016 14:29:50
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I think most young people see the mobile phone and iPad as a life support machine, switch off all the networks and most of society would go into meltdown without texting and Facebook.

Perhaps though if the technology was available when most of us were young we probably have been the same.
16th Nov 2014 09:32:25 (Last activity: 25th Aug 2015 10:36:21)
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Mo Moor said

Are you becoming boring to other members of the household, with your attention given to your phone, tablet or other. Is technology controlling us like "the tail wagging the dog"? I have invested in an i-pad air, and my dear ol' hubby says I'm using it too much.....especially when the footie is on; that's for sure! Anyone suffering i-paditus?

Since acquiring my iPad very recently, and still learning the ropes , I find that I converse (albeit on screen) more with my children and grandchildren than I did previously - so to me it is a boon.
Response from Wilf made on 25th Aug 2015 10:36:21
I think ipads are fantastic. just so easy to connect to and look at details when watching TV etc. We always have ours when we are relaxing watching TV and there may be a fact we look up say when seeing a wildlife programme or even when I am watching football!
15th Aug 2015 17:48:27 (Last activity: 25th Aug 2015 10:34:39)
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modern technology has its place but I found it very hurtful and bad mannered when I was informed of 2 family deaths by text. That should be done face to face or by a telephone call.
I don't like trying to talk to someone who takes a call in the middle of a face to face conversation and feel sorry for anyone dealing with the public in shops etc who is on the phone. It is the height of bad manners. What effort does it take to say 'I'm busy at the moment, i'll call you back.'
To have a phone switched on in the cinema or theatre is a definite no no. Really disgraceful manners to interrupt other people's enjoyment or an actors performance
Response from Wilf made on 25th Aug 2015 10:34:39
Yes I agree there is nothing more annoying than phones going off in the cinema. I also hate it when people are speaking loudly on public transport!
17th Mar 2015 18:33:09
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Hi All
I don't mind the use of mobiles in public (even though I sometimes reply when someone says "hello" from just a foot or so away) but I must say I don't like it when family start playing games on them when we are all in the sitting room! I suppose I feel isolated by it. They have plenty of time when I am not around (truly!) I do my contacts on my pc in my bedroom so I suppose my family are not dealing with a change in my behaviour as I am with theirs. I guess it is early days and we do not have a protocol for acceptable behaviour ingrained in us as yet. I think it probably needs to be more widely discussed. I like restaurants to be free of phone chatter (especially the loud type) but I don't mind a bit of quiet texting, particularly if people are alone. My most irritating encounter with mobile phone use was at my daughter's degree ceremony when the chap in the row in front of me was on his phone during the entire ceremony with the exception of when his son was actually on the dais! Despite, of course, very large signs telling you to switch off and me asking him too! I don't believe anyone is so important that they cant switch off for an hour or so! Rude and inconsiderate.
16th Mar 2015 18:00:32
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As a widow living on my own I really enjoy using my tablet or phone to play games etc, and sometimes forget when I'm staying away with relatives who are not interested in such things, not to use them. I've been told very firmly by my twin sister that when staying with our much older sister I am not to contemplate using my tablet when in the sitting room, even though they might be reading their newspapers. I am allowed, though, to read my e-book. My three daughters all say that I'm more savvy about the internet than they are.
26th Dec 2014 11:15:55
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i used to be a Digital Engineer I work in that Technology for quite some time so I still love its out come but I do feel we are becoming dependent on it far to much, When I see children play on computers all day long and not going out or making things how I did as a lad, When I was a young boy I had Meccano and Steam Engines and all Mechanical toys, by this time I was seventeen I was striping my Motor bikes apart to see how it worked, then cars washing machines tumble driers hoovers anything in the end hence I ended up an Engineer and from that went in to Electro Mechanics and Electronics.
Young kids today only seen to play with computers they are good but other things are need it life, for the skills of life, it is also a sad fact that you can see kids standing next to each other not talking to each other but to someone on a phone by text they seem to ignore the people they are standing with for the one's that are not there but on there mobile, to me they are losing life time skills being interactive with each other.
Is it just an age thing women too were skilled in dress making and other jobs and it all seems to be la lost world now or is it me am I wrong, to me all young people should be apprenticed to some one who is working to teach them a trade
Mo Moor Original Poster
28th Oct 2014 19:21:21
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I agree, Robbinn, you have to find a balance. I too could not now be without my ipad, but I very mush like a good ol' conversation too with family and friends. Overall, I suppose we get more from the technology than that which we may lose. I just hate the fact that for a lot of people it is an extension of their being, like losing a leg or arm if they misplace the item........ more so with the younger folk. We have got to "go with it" in this fast moving and ever changing world....Enjoy your ipad!
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contain any material which is defamatory of any person; or contain any material which is obscene, offensive, hateful or inflammatory; or promote sexually explicit material; or promote violence; promote discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age; or infringe any copyright, database right or trade mark of any other person; or be likely to deceive any person; or be made in breach of any legal duty owed to a third party, such as a contractual duty or a duty of confidence; or promote any illegal activity; or be threatening, abuse or invade another’s privacy, or cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety; or be likely to harass, upset, embarrass, alarm or annoy any other person; or be used to impersonate any person, or to misrepresent your identity or affiliation with any person; or give the impression that they emanate from us, if this is not the case; or advocate, promote or assist any unlawful act such as (by way of example only) copyright infringement or computer misuse.

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Our Silversurfers community is designed to foster friendships, based on trust, honesty, integrity and loyalty and is underpinned by these values.

We don't tolerate swearing, and reserve the right to remove any posts which we feel may offend others... let's keep it friendly!